hdl: Mus Musculus HDL QTL data from Leduc et. al. (2012)

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HDL QTL data was obtained from a F2 inner-cross between inbred MRL/MpJ and SM/J strains of mice.




The data set hdl is a data frame of 280 observations of 15 variables: genotype data (genotype states at 5 SNP markers) and phenotype data (HDL levels and normalized expression values of 10 genes).Genotypes are of class factor and phenotypes are of class numeric.


HDL QTL data was obtained from a F2 inner-cross between inbred MRL/MpJ and SM/J strains of mice.


Leduc MS, Blair RH, Verdugo RA, Tsaih SW, Walsh K, Churchill GA, Paigen B.(2012). "Using bioinformatics and systems genetics to dissect HDL-cholesterol genetics in an MRL/MpJ x SM/J intercross." J Lipid Res., 6, 1163-75.

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