Man pages for geneset
Get Gene Sets for Gene Enrichment Analysis

DatasetsDatasets go_org contains GO species information
getEnrichrdbGet EnrichrDB geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a...
getGOGet GO geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame of 2...
getHgDiseaseGet HgDisease geneset and geneset_name Human disease gene...
getKEGGGet KEGG geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame of...
getMeshGet MeSH geneset and geneset_name MeSH is the annotation used...
getMsigdbGet MsigDb geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame...
getReactomeGet Reactome geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame...
getWikiGet WikiPathway geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a...
geneset documentation built on Nov. 20, 2022, 9:07 a.m.