simplegeom-class: simplegeom class

simplegeom-classR Documentation

simplegeom class


The simplegeom class represents geometries that can be coerced into polygon features. This is one of two stencil types accepted by geoknife (the other being webgeom).


The difference between webgeom and simplegeom is both in the permanence and the location of the data. webgeom is located on a web server that offers geometries using the web feature service (WFS) specification. simplegeom are typically local data that can be accessed within an R session. Within reason, anything that can be represented as a webgeom (or WFS) can also be represented by a simplegeom For example, a state or watershed can be read in as read_sf object and turned into a simplegeom. IDs of a web geom are the row order of the geometries.



an sf data.frame object with polygon geometries


an sp object provided for backward compatibility


(_private) web location of draw namespace


(_private) web location of draw schema

geoknife documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:31 p.m.