
Defines functions get_lewis

Documented in get_lewis

#' Get historical United States Congressional District Shapefiles
#' Data sourced from the United States Congressional District Shapefiles, primarily
#' hosted at <https://cdmaps.polisci.ucla.edu/>. Files are fetched through the GitHub 
#' repository at <https://github.com/JeffreyBLewis/congressional-district-boundaries>.
#' @param state two letter state abbreviation
#' @param congress congress number, from 1 to 114.
#' @return a sf tibble of the congressional district boundaries
#' @export
#' @references 
#'  Jeffrey B. Lewis, Brandon DeVine, Lincoln Pitcher, and Kenneth C. Martis. (2013) 
#'  Digital Boundary Definitions of United States Congressional Districts, 1789-2012. 
#'  \[Data file and code book\]. Retrieved from <https://cdmaps.polisci.ucla.edu> on \[date of download\].
#' @examples
#' get_lewis(state = 'NM', congress = 111)
get_lewis <- function(state, congress) {
  st <- tolower(censable::match_name(state))
  st <- stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::str_to_title(st), ' ', '_')
  st_f <- lewis_urls[stringr::str_detect(lewis_urls, st)]
  f <- lapply(stringr::str_extract_all(st_f, '\\d+'), as.integer)
  f <- lapply(f, function(x) dplyr::between(congress, x[1], x[2])) |> 
  file_name <- st_f[f]
    'Data sourced from the United States Congressional District Shapefiles {.url https://cdmaps.polisci.ucla.edu/}.',
    .frequency = 'once',
    .frequency_id = 'cite_lewis'
  out <- sf::read_sf(file_name)
  if (requireNamespace('RcppSimdJson', quietly = TRUE)) {
    out$member <- RcppSimdJson::fparse(out$member)

# lewis_urls <- httr2::request('https://api.github.com/repos/JeffreyBLewis/congressional-district-boundaries/contents') |> 
#   httr2::req_perform() |> 
#   httr2::resp_body_json() |> 
#   lapply(function(x) purrr::pluck(x, 'download_url')
#   ) |> 
#   unlist()

lewis_urls <- c(

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