
Defines functions getIANAMimeTypes setIANAMimeTypes

Documented in getIANAMimeTypes setIANAMimeTypes

#' setIANAMimeTypes
#' @export
setIANAMimeTypes <- function(){
  #packageStartupMessage("Loading IANA mime types...")
  ianaUrl = "https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types"
  #ping <- try(httr::HEAD(ianaUrl), silent = TRUE)
  #  packageStartupMessage("IANA website not reachable, skipping IANA mime types loading...")
  #  return(FALSE)
  ianaNs = "http://www.iana.org/assignments"
  xml = XML::xmlParse(system.file("extdata/mimetypes", "media-types.xml", package = "geometa", mustWork = TRUE)) 
  xml_records = XML::getNodeSet(xml, "//ns:record", namespaces = c(ns = ianaNs))
  mimeTypes = do.call("rbind", lapply(xml_records,function(record){
      record_children = xmlChildren(record)
      name = XML::xmlValue(record_children$name)
      file = XML::xmlValue(record_children$file)
      if(!is.na(file)) name = file
      rfc = NA
      xrefs = record_children[names(record_children)=="xref"]
      rfc_xrefs = xrefs[sapply(xrefs, XML::xmlGetAttr, "type")=="rfc"]
      if(length(rfc_xrefs)) rfc = XML::xmlGetAttr(rfc_xrefs[[1]], "data")
      mimeType = data.frame(
        name = name,
        uri = sprintf("%s/%s", ianaUrl, name),
        rfc = rfc,
        rfc_uri = ifelse(!is.na(rfc), sprintf("https://tools.ietf.org/html/%s", rfc), NA),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  .geometa.iana$mimetypes = mimeTypes

#' getIANAMimeTypes
#' @export
getIANAMimeTypes <- function(){

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geometa documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:31 a.m.