
Defines functions lengths_to_indices geos_unnest

Documented in geos_unnest

#' Unnest nested geometries
#' Ths function flattens nested geometries (i.e., multi or
#' geometrycollection types) into a vector with the same or fewer levels of
#' nesting. See [geos_geometry_n()] to access individual geometries within a
#' collection; see [wk::wk_flatten()] for a version of this function that
#' works with non-GEOS geometries; see [geos_make_collection()] and
#' [wk::wk_collection()] for functions that perform the inverse operation.
#' @inheritParams geos_read_wkt
#' @param keep_empty If `TRUE`, EMPTY geomtries are left as-is rather than
#'   collapsing to length 0.
#' @param keep_multi If `TRUE`, MULTI* geometries are not expanded to
#'   sub-features (i.e., only GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONs are).
#' @param max_depth The maximum recursive GEOMETRYCOLLECTION depth to unnest.
#' @return A [GEOS geometry vector][as_geos_geometry], with a length
#'   greater than or equal to `geom` with an attribute "lengths"
#'   that can be used to map elements of the result to the
#'   original item.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geos_unnest("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (1 2), POINT (3 4))")
geos_unnest <- function(geom, keep_empty = FALSE, keep_multi = TRUE, max_depth = 1) {
  # extract previous length information (if recursive call)
  lengths <- attr(geom, "lengths") %||% rep(1L, length(geom))

  geom <- sanitize_geos_geometry(geom)

  # recursive base case
  if (max_depth == 0) {
    attr(geom, "lengths") <- lengths

  type_id <- geos_type_id(geom)
  is_collection <- type_id >= 4
  is_multi <- is_collection & type_id != 7
  is_empty <- geos_is_empty(geom)

  should_unnest <- !is.na(geom) & is_collection
  if (keep_empty) {
    should_unnest <- should_unnest & !is_empty
  if (keep_multi) {
    should_unnest <- should_unnest & !is_multi

  # early return skips the recursive call below
  if (!any(should_unnest)) {
    attr(geom, "lengths") <- lengths

  # do the actual unnesting
  to_unnest <- geom[should_unnest]
  unnest_lengths <- geos_num_geometries(to_unnest)
  unnested <- Map(geos_geometry_n, to_unnest, lapply(unnest_lengths, seq_len))

  # combine with the non-unnested items and unlist
  geom_list <- lapply(geom, list)
  geom_list[should_unnest] <- unnested
  result <- new_geos_geometry(unlist(geom_list), crs = attr(geom, "crs", exact = TRUE))

  # do some bookkeeping to ensure unnested items can be mapped back to the
  # original item (possibly recursively)
  lengths <- attr(geom, "lengths") %||% rep(1L, length(geom))
  indices <- lengths_to_indices(lengths)
  new_lengths <- rep(1L, length(geom))
  new_lengths[should_unnest] <- unnest_lengths
  new_indices <- lengths_to_indices(new_lengths, indices = indices)
  final_lengths <- rle(new_indices)$lengths
  attr(result, "lengths") <- final_lengths

  # do more unnesting if max_depth allows
  geos_unnest(result, keep_empty = keep_empty, keep_multi = keep_multi, max_depth = max_depth - 1)

lengths_to_indices <- function(lengths, indices = seq_along(lengths)) {
  rle <- structure(
    list(lengths = lengths, values = indices),
    class = "rle"


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geos documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:28 a.m.