imputed: Extracting imputed datasets from gerbil objects

View source: R/generics.R

imputedR Documentation

Extracting imputed datasets from gerbil objects


Using a gerbil object as an input, this function returns imputed datasets.


imputed(gerb, imp = 1)



A gerbil object containing the imputed data.


The imputed datasets which are to be returned (defaults to imp = 1). Letting m indicate the number of imputed datasets contained in gerb, imp should be a subset of 1:m. If imp is a scalar, a single imputed dataset is returned. If imp is a vector, then the individual datasets are stacked on top of each other and returned.


The function either return a single imputed dataset (if imp is a scalar) or a tall dataset if (if imp is a vector) with the individual datsets stacked on top of each other.


imputed() returns a data frame or matrix. If imp has multiple elements, columns are added to indicate the imputation number and the case ID.


#Load the India Human Development Survey-II dataset

# Create a gerbil object
imps.gerbil <- gerbil(ihd_mcar, m = 5, ords = "education_level", semi = "farm_labour_days", 
       bincat = "job_field", n.cores = 1)

# Return a single imputed datasets
imp.gerb <- imputed(imps.gerbil, imp = 2)

# Return multiple (stacked) datasets
imp.gerb <- imputed(imps.gerbil, imp = 1:5)

gerbil documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 5:10 p.m.