Man pages for gestate
Generalised Survival Trial Assessment Tool Environment

analyse_simAnalyse simulations of time-to-event data using arbitrary...
BlankBlank Curve constructor function
createRFfunctionMethod for creating a random draw function from a Curve...
createRFfunction-Curve-methodMethod for creating a random draw function from a Curve...
create_tte_priorCreate an arbitrary prior data set from a specified Curve...
Curve-classCurve Class for defining distributions
evaluateCDFfunctionMethod for evaluating the CDF function for a Curve object at...
evaluateCDFfunction-Curve-methodMethod for evaluating the CDF function for a Curve object at...
evaluateInvfunctionMethod for evaluating the inverse-CDF function for a Curve...
evaluateInvfunction-Curve-methodMethod for evaluating the inverse-CDF function for a Curve...
evaluatePDFfunctionMethod for evaluating the PDF function for a Curve object at...
evaluatePDFfunction-Curve-methodMethod for evaluating the PDF function for a Curve object at...
event_predictionEvent prediction using patient-level survival data and a...
event_prediction_KMEvent prediction using a lifetable and a recruitment RCurve
event_prediction_priorEvent prediction using patient-level survival data, prior...
events2powerCalculate Schoenfeld or Event Proportion power from number of...
ExponentialExponential Curve constructor function
fit_KMFit Weibull, Log-Normal or Exponential survival curves to...
fit_tte_dataFit Weibull, Log-Normal or Exponential survival curves to...
fit_tte_data_priorFit Weibull survival curves to patient-level time-to-event...
freedmanpowerCalculate Freedman power from number of events
frontierpowerCalculate Frontier power from number of events
getAssessCDFfunctionMethod for returning the CDF function for a RCurve object
getAssessCDFfunction-RCurve-methodMethod for returning the CDF function for a RCurve object
getCDFfunctionMethod for returning the CDF function for a Curve object
getCDFfunction-Curve-methodMethod for returning the CDF function for a Curve object
getInvfunctionMethod for returning the inverse-CDF function for a Curve...
getInvfunction-Curve-methodMethod for returning the inverse-CDF function for a Curve...
getLengthMethod for returning the recruitment length from a RCurve
getLength-RCurve-methodMethod for returning the recruitment length from a RCurve
getMaxFMethod for returning maximum duration of patient follow-up...
getMaxF-RCurve-methodMethod for returning maximum duration of patient follow-up...
getNMethod for returning the total patient number from a RCurve
getNactiveMethod for returning the active arm patient number from a...
getNactive-RCurve-methodMethod for returning the active arm patient number from a...
getNamesMethod for returning all parameter names from a Curve object
getNames-Curve-methodMethod for returning all parameter names from a Curve object
getNcontrolMethod for returning the control arm patient number from a...
getNcontrol-RCurve-methodMethod for returning the control arm patient number from a...
getN-RCurve-methodMethod for returning the total patient number from a RCurve
getParamMethod for returning a single parameter from a Curve object
getParam-Curve-methodMethod for returning a single parameter from a Curve object
getParamsMethod for returning all parameters from a Curve object as a...
getParams-Curve-methodMethod for returning all parameters from a Curve object as a...
getParamsVMethod for returning all parameters from a Curve object as a...
getParamsV-Curve-methodMethod for returning all parameters from a Curve object as a...
getPatientsMethod for calculating expected number of recruited patients...
getPatients-RCurve-methodMethod for calculating expected number of recruited patients...
getPDFfunctionMethod for returning the PDF function for a Curve object
getPDFfunction-Curve-methodMethod for returning the PDF function for a Curve object
getRatioMethod for returning the recruitment ratio from a RCurve
getRatio-RCurve-methodMethod for returning the recruitment ratio from a RCurve
getRFfunctionMethod for returning the RF function for a Curve object
getRFfunction-Curve-methodMethod for returning the RF function for a Curve object
getTypeMethod for returning the Curve type
getType-Curve-methodMethod for returning the Curve type
GGammaGeneralised Gamma Curve constructor function
GompertzGompertz Curve constructor function
InstantRInstantR RCurve constructor function
LinearRLinearR RCurve constructor function
LogLogisticLog-logistic Curve constructor function
LognormalLog-normal Curve constructor function
MixExpMixture Exponential Curve constructor function
MixWeiMixture Weibull Curve constructor function
nph_trajCalculate analytic time-to-event trial properties under...
PieceExponentialPiecewise Exponential Curve constructor function
PieceRPieceR RCurve constructor function
PieceRMaxFPieceR RCurve constructor function
plotCDFMethod for plotting the CDF of a Curve object
plotCDF-Curve-methodMethod for plotting the CDF of a Curve object
plot_epPlot event prediction output
plot_km_fitKaplan Meier Plot of Curve-Fit
plot_nphtPlot output from nph_traj
plotRecruitmentMethod for plotting the Recruitment Function of a RCurve...
plotRecruitment-RCurve-methodMethod for plotting the Recruitment Function of a RCurve...
plotSFMethod for plotting the Survival Function of a Curve object
plotSF-Curve-methodMethod for plotting the Survival Function of a Curve object
power2eventsCalculate Schoenfeld or Event Proportion based event numbers...
random_drawMethod for taking random draws from a Curve object...
random_draw-Curve-methodMethod for taking random draws from a Curve object...
RCurve-classRCurve Class for defining recruitment distributions
run_gestateLoad Shiny for Gestate Loads the Shiny interactive GUI for...
set_assess_timeAdjusts assessment time for simulations
set_event_numberAdjusts simulations so that administrative censoring occurs...
setPatientsMethod for setting N's in an RCurve
setPatients-RCurve-methodMethod for setting N's in an RCurve
show-Curve-methodMethod for displaying Curve objects neatly - replaces...
show-RCurve-methodMethod for displaying RCurve objects neatly - replaces...
simulate_trialsPerform simulations of time-to-event data using arbitrary...
simulate_trials_strataPerform multi-strata simulations of time-to-event data using...
summarise_analysisSummarise analyses of simulations of time-to-event data using...
survfit_fastCreate lifetable quickly
WeibullWeibull Curve constructor function
ZV2powerCalculate Normal distribution test power based on Effect size...
gestate documentation built on April 26, 2023, 5:10 p.m.