
Defines functions readline_masked_wincred

readline_masked_wincred = function(msg, noblank=FALSE)
  if (os_windows())
    if (.Platform$r_arch ==  "i386")
      path_rel = "bin32/"
      path_rel = "bin64/"
    file = system.file(paste0(path_rel, "getPass.exe"), package="getPass")
    if (file == "")
      stop("could not find getPass.exe")
    msg = paste0(noblank, " ", "\"", msg, "\"")
    # system2(file, msg, stdout=TRUE)

    cmd <- paste0(file, " ", msg)
    shell(cmd, intern = TRUE)
    stop("readline_masked_wincred() can only be called from a windows host")

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

getPass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:11 a.m.