
#' Available Datasets
#' Datasets that `getTBinR` supports importing into R, see [here](https://www.who.int/tb/country/data/download/en/)
#' additional dataset details. This dataset is also used by \code{\link[getTBinR]{get_tb_burden}}.
#' Use \code{\link[getTBinR]{search_data_dict}} in order to get details of the variables in each dataset.
#' @format A data frame with 7 rows and 5 variables.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{dataset}{Dataset name used by the WHO data dictionary.}
#'   \item{description}{Either the data description supplied by the WHO or a user generated description.}
#'   \item{timespan}{The timespan of the data}
#'   \item{default}{Whether the dataset is downloaded by default or not.}
#'   \item{url}{The URL for downloading the data - used by \code{\link[getTBinR]{get_tb_burden}}}
#' }

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getTBinR documentation built on July 2, 2020, 12:31 a.m.