Man pages for ggVennDiagram
A 'ggplot2' Implement of Venn Diagram

all_identicalAll members of a list have the same elements
combinationsall possible combinations of n sets
discernSet difference.
discern_overlapCalculate region of sets
get_shape_by_idSpecifying a shape
get_shape_dataget applicable shape data for Venn object
get_shapesGet all shapes
ggVennDiagramggVennDiagram main parser
launch_appLaunch Reactor Data Shiny App
overlapIntersection of many sets.
plotData_add_vennjoin the shape data with set data
plot_shape_edgePlot the set edge of a VennPlotData
plot_shapesplot all shapes provided by internal dataset
plot_vennplot codes
printS3 method for 'upsetPlotData'
process_dataget plot data
process_upset_dataprocess upset data
separate_longer_delimImplement of 'tidyr::separate_longer_delim'
shapesshapes: shape data used to setup Venn plot
slice_idxcheck and format slice name
uniteUnion of many sets.
upset-plotPlot a upset plot
Venn-class_'Venn'_ is a S4 class to represent multiple sets.
venn_dataPrepare Venn data
venn_plot_dataGet VennPlotData slot
VennPlotDataAn S3 class constructor of representing Venn plot components.
vensetsImport venn shape coordinates
ggVennDiagram documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:21 a.m.