Man pages for ggVennDiagram
A 'ggplot2' Implement of Venn Diagram

build_shapeHelper function to add shape
circlegenerating a circle
combinationsall possible combinations of n sets
discern_overlapcalculate region of Venn
discern-Polygon-methodcalculate the difference region of 'Polygon' object
ellipsegenerating a closed ellipse
fancy_2d_circletwo dimension circle
fancy_3d_circlefancy 3d circle
fancy_4d_ellipsefancy 4d ellipse from 'VennDiagram'
fancy_6d_triangleSix dimension triangle
get_shape_dataget applicable shape data for Venn object
ggVennDiagramggVennDiagram main parser
ggVennDiagram-package'ggVennDiagram': an easy to use Venn diagram generator
label_positionhelper function to set label position
overlap-Polygon-methodcalculate the overlap region of 'Polygon' object
pipePipe operator
plotData_add_vennjoin the shape data with set data
plot_shapesplot all shapes provided by internal dataset
plot_vennplot codes
Polygon-classAn S4 class to represent multiple polygons.
polygon-methodsPolygon constructor
process_dataget plot data
shape_generatorfunctions to generate ellipse, circle, triangle and other...
triangledefined a triangle by three points
Venn-classAn S4 class to represent multiple sets.
venn_dataGet VennPlotData slot
VennPlotDataVennPlotData constructor
VennPlotData-classAn S4 class to represent Venn plot components.
vennplot-shapesshapes: shape data used to setup Venn plot
ggVennDiagram documentation built on Aug. 14, 2023, 5:09 p.m.