
Defines functions ggalignment

Documented in ggalignment

#' Creates a D&D alignment chart
#' The primary function of the package, this function creates a D&D alignment chart from a dataframe with img, x, and y columns!
#' @param alignment a data.frame containing the data to be plotted, requiring
#' columns `img` (for image path) and `alignment`, and optionally `x` and `y`
#' specifying the coordinates for each image, where each box has coordinate limits
#' from -1 to 1 in both axes.
#' @param line_type the linetype for the box borders, which follows the ggplot2
#' allowable values for linetype for geom_rect() (e.g. blank, solid,
#' dashed, dotted, dotdash, longdash, twodash)
#' @param line_color the color for the bounding boxes of the alignments, defaults
#' to black, and must be a named color such as "black"
#' @param font_family the font family to be used on the alignment labels
#' @param font_color the font color to be used on the alignment labels
#' @param font_size the size of the font used on the alignment labels
#' @param background_color the background color for the entire plot, defaults to
#' white and must be a named color such as "white"
#' @param background_border the color of the solid-line bounding box on the entire
#' plot, defaults to NA and must be either NA or a named color such as "black"
#' @param max_images_per_dim numeric representing the number of images that
#' should fit in a single fact -- for example, if you want an image to take up
#' half the width of the fact, use max_images_per_dim = 2
#' @param max_image_dim one of "width" or "height", representing if the max_images_per_dim
#' should count by width or height in the facet
#' @return a ggplot containing the alignment chart
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   align_cats <- example_cats()
#'   ggalignment(alignment = align_cats)
#' }

ggalignment <- function(alignment,
                        line_type = "dashed",
                        line_color = "black",
                        font_family = NULL,
                        font_color = "black",
                        font_size = NULL,
                        background_color = "white",
                        background_border = NA,
                        max_images_per_dim = 2,
                        max_image_dim = "width") {
  ## Check for column names
  if (! "alignment" %in% colnames(alignment) |
      ! "img" %in% colnames(alignment)) {
    stop("alignment dataset requires columns 'img' and 'alignment'")

  ## Require x and y coordinates if there are 2+ image in 1 alignment
  if (nrow(alignment) > 0 &&
      ! "x" %in% colnames(alignment) &&
      ! "y" %in% colnames(alignment)) {
    counts <-
      alignment %>%
      dplyr::group_by(alignment) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(count = dplyr::n())

    if (max(counts$count, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
      stop("Columns 'x' and 'y' required if multiple images per alignment")

  ## Check that max_images_per_dim and max_image_dim are correct classes
  if (! is.numeric(max_images_per_dim)) {
    stop("max_images_per_dim must be of type numeric")

  if (! is.character(max_image_dim) || length(max_image_dim) != 1 ||
      ! max_image_dim %in% c("height", "width")) {
    stop("max_image_dim must be one of 'width' or 'height'")

  size <- 1/max_images_per_dim

  alignment_data <-
    alignment %>%
    dplyr::full_join(ggalignment::alignment_vals, by = "alignment") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(alignment = factor(alignment,
                                     levels = c("lawful good",
                                                "neutral good",
                                                "chaotic good",
                                                "lawful neutral",
                                                "true neutral",
                                                "chaotic neutral",
                                                "lawful evil",
                                                "neutral evil",
                                                "chaotic evil")))

  if (! "x" %in% colnames(alignment_data) &
      ! "y" %in% colnames(alignment_data)) {
    alignment_data$x <- alignment_data$y <- rep(0)

  g <-
    ggplot2::ggplot(data = alignment_data,
                    mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x,
                                           y = .data$y,
                                           image = .data$img)) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 20) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~alignment, nrow = 3) +
    ggimage::geom_image(size = size,
                        by = max_image_dim,
                        na.rm = TRUE) +
    ggplot2::coord_fixed(xlim = c(-1, 1),
                         ylim = c(-1, 1)) +
    ggplot2::theme_void() +
    ggplot2::theme(panel.border =
                     ggplot2::element_rect(color = line_color,
                                           fill = NA,
                                           linetype = line_type),
                   strip.text =
                     ggplot2::element_text(margin =
                                             ggplot2::margin(0, 0, 8, 0),
                                           family = font_family,
                                           size = font_size,
                                           color = font_color),
                   plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(0, 5, 5, 5), unit = "pt"),
                   plot.background =
                     ggplot2::element_rect(fill = background_color,
                                           color = background_border))


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ggalignment documentation built on Nov. 4, 2022, 5:06 p.m.