
Defines functions `save_animation.magick-image` save_animation.gif_image save_animation.default save_animation anim_save

Documented in anim_save save_animation

#' Save an animation to a file
#' This function is analogous to [ggplot2::ggsave()] in that it by default takes
#' the last created animation and saves it to the specific location. As
#' `gganimate` supports arbitrary renderers, and thus return types, the returned
#' object must implement a `save_animation` method to be able to be used with
#' `anim_save()`. This is provided natively for `gif_image` and `magick-image`
#' objects.
#' @param animation The animation object to save, as returned by [animate()].
#' Defaults to the last rendered animation using [last_animation()]
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::ggsave
#' @param ... arguments passed on to [animate()] if `animation` is a `gganim`
#' object
#' @export
anim_save <- function(filename, animation = last_animation(), path = NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(path)) {
    filename <- file.path(path, filename)
  if (is.gganim(animation)) animation <- animate(animation, ...)
  save_animation(animation, filename)
#' Infrastructure for animation saving
#' Any returned animation object that wish to support [anim_save()] need to
#' implement this method
#' @param animation The animation object to save
#' @param file The file path to save it to
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
save_animation <- function(animation, file) {
#' @export
save_animation.default <- function(animation, file) {
  cli::cli_abort('The animation object does not specify a save_animation method')
#' @export
save_animation.gif_image <- function(animation, file) {
  file.copy(animation, file, overwrite = TRUE)
#' @export
save_animation.video_file <- save_animation.gif_image
#' @export
`save_animation.magick-image` <- function(animation, file) {
  check_installed('magick', 'to use the `magick_renderer()`')
  magick::image_write(animation, file)

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gganimate documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:58 a.m.