parse_dist: Parse distribution specifications into columns of a data...

View source: R/parse_dist.R

parse_distR Documentation

Parse distribution specifications into columns of a data frame


Parses simple string distribution specifications, like "normal(0, 1)", into two columns of a data frame, suitable for use with the dist and args aesthetics of stat_slabinterval() and its shortcut stats (like stat_halfeye()). This format is output by brms::get_prior, making it particularly useful for visualizing priors from brms models.


  dist = ".dist",
  args = ".args",
  dist_obj = ".dist_obj",
  package = NULL,
  to_r_names = TRUE

## Default S3 method:
parse_dist(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  dist = ".dist",
  args = ".args",
  dist_obj = ".dist_obj",
  package = NULL,
  lb = "lb",
  ub = "ub",
  to_r_names = TRUE

## S3 method for class 'character'
  dist = ".dist",
  args = ".args",
  dist_obj = ".dist_obj",
  package = NULL,
  to_r_names = TRUE

## S3 method for class 'factor'
  dist = ".dist",
  args = ".args",
  dist_obj = ".dist_obj",
  package = NULL,
  to_r_names = TRUE

## S3 method for class 'brmsprior'
  dist_col = prior,
  dist = ".dist",
  args = ".args",
  dist_obj = ".dist_obj",
  package = NULL,
  to_r_names = TRUE




A character vector containing distribution specifications or a data frame with a column containing distribution specifications.


Arguments passed to other implementations of parse_dist.


The name of the output column to contain the distribution name


The name of the output column to contain the arguments to the distribution


The name of the output column to contain a distributional object representing the distribution


The package or environment to search for distribution functions in. Passed to distributional::dist_wrap(). One of:

  • NULL: use the calling environment

  • a string: use the environment for the package with the given name

  • an environment: use the given environment


If TRUE (the default), certain common aliases for distribution names are automatically translated into names that R can recognize (i.e., names which have functions starting with r, p, q, and d representing random number generators, distribution functions, etc. for that distribution), using the r_dist_name function. For example, "normal" is translated into "norm" and "lognormal" is translated into "lnorm".


A bare (unquoted) column or column expression that resolves to a character vector of distribution specifications.


The name of an input column (for data.frame and brms::prior objects) that contains the lower bound of the distribution, which if present will produce a truncated distribution using dist_truncated(). Ignored if lb is NULL or if object[[lb]] is NA for the corresponding input row.


The name of an input column (for data.frame and brms::prior objects) that contains the upper bound of the distribution, which if present will produce a truncated distribution using dist_truncated(). Ignored if ub is NULL or if object[[ub]] is NA for the corresponding input row.


For r_dist_name, a character vector of distribution names to be translated into distribution names R recognizes. Unrecognized names are left as-is.


parse_dist() can be applied to character vectors or to a data frame + bare column name of the column to parse, and returns a data frame with ".dist" and ".args" columns added. parse_dist() uses r_dist_name() to translate distribution names into names recognized by R.

r_dist_name() takes a character vector of names and translates common names into R distribution names. Names are first made into valid R names using make.names(), then translated (ignoring character case, ".", and "_"). Thus, "lognormal", "LogNormal", "log_normal", "log-Normal", and any number of other variants all get translated into "lnorm".


  • parse_dist returns a data frame containing at least two columns named after the dist and args parameters. If the input is a data frame, the output is a data frame of the same length with those two columns added. If the input is a character vector or factor, the output is a two-column data frame with the same number of rows as the length of the input.

  • r_dist_name returns a character vector the same length as the input containing translations of the input names into distribution names R can recognize.

See Also

See stat_slabinterval() and its shortcut stats, which can easily make use of the output of this function using the dist and args aesthetics.



# parse dist can operate on strings directly...
parse_dist(c("normal(0,1)", "student_t(3,0,1)"))

# ... or on columns of a data frame, where it adds the
# parsed specs back on as columns
data.frame(prior = c("normal(0,1)", "student_t(3,0,1)")) %>%

# parse_dist is particularly useful with the output of brms::prior(),
# which follows the same format as above

ggdist documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:08 a.m.