
Defines functions ggedit

Documented in ggedit

#' @title Interactive shiny gadget for editing ggplot layers and themes.
#' @export
#' @description Shiny gadget that takes an input ggplots and populates a user
#' interface with objects that let the user update aesthetics of layers
#' and theme elements.
#' @param p.in ggplot plot object or list of objects
#' @param \dots options that are passed to ggedit
#' @details
#' The user can start the gadget using the console \code{ggedit(plotobj)} or through the Addins menu in Rstudio.
#' If you are using the the Addin option highlight on the editor window the ggplot object and then click the addin.
#' \strong{Options to pass to ggedit}
#' \strong{viewer} shiny viewer options. It can be either paneViewer (default with minHeight=1000), dialogViewer, browserViewer
#' \strong{verbose} logical to control if the output includes script for layers and themes calls for parsing to create objects (default, verbose=TRUE)
#' \strong{showDefaults} toggle to control if the verbose output shows all the input arguments passed to the proto object (if verbose==FALSE then ignored)
#' \strong{width,height} dimensions of the renderPlot where the active plot is displayed
#' Once the gadget is running the list of plots are shown in a grid and a number of objects will appear above them.
#' \strong{Action buttons}
#' Cancel:
#' Returns a NULL object
#' Done:
#' Returns the list decribed below.
#' \strong{Dropdown list}
#' Navigates through the plots in the input list. If the input list is a named list the names will be in the dropdown. The plot chosen is termed as the "active plot"
#' \strong{Radio buttons}
#' The options to choose in the radio buttons are the layer names in the active plot.
#' \strong{Links}
#' Update Plot Layer:
#' A pop up window will appear and be populated with aesthetic elements found in the layer chosen from the radio buttons.
#' The layer is cloned using \code{\link{cloneLayer}} creating a layer independent of the original plot.

#' If the aesthetic is a factor the values will be shown in dropdown lists.
#' If it is numeric it will be shown in a slider.
#' If it is a factor colour/fill aesthetic the \code{\link[colourpicker]{colourPicker}} package will allow to choose from the full pallete of colours.
#' If the continuous colour/fill aesthetic a dropdown list will be shown with different palletes
#' Update Plot Theme:
#' A popup modal will appear populated with the theme elements found in the active plot.
#' Each element will appear as having a value or empty depending if it was defined or not.
#' The user can change or fill in any element \href{https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/theme.html}{with valid values}
#' and any textboxes left empty will use ggplot defaults.
#' Update Grid Theme:
#' Copies the theme of the active plot to the other plots in the list
#' Update Global Theme:
#' Copies the theme of the active plot to the session theme and all plots created outside of the gadget will have this theme.
#' View Layer Code:
#' Opens an ace editor to compare the active layer initial script call and the updated script call.
#' The ggplot objects returned (layers and themes) can be used on any ggplot object.
#' @return
#' List of elements
#' \describe{
#' \item{updatedPlots}{list containing updated ggplot objects}
#' \item{updatedLayers}{For each plot a list of updated layers (ggproto) objects}
#' \item{UpdatedLayersElements}{For each plot a list elements and their values in each layer}
#' \item{UpdatedLayerCalls}{For each plot a list of scripts that can be run directly from the console to create a layer}
#' \item{updatedScales}{For each plot a list of updated scale objects}
#' \item{UpdatedScalesCalls}{For each plot a list of scripts that can be run directly from the console to create a scale object}
#' \item{updatedThemes}{For each plot a list of updated theme objects}
#' \item{UpdatedThemeCalls}{For each plot a list of scripts that can be run directly from the console to create a theme}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{cloneLayer}},\code{\link{rgg}},\code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}},\code{\link[colourpicker]{colourPicker}}
#' @examples
#' p <- ggplot2::ggplot(iris,ggplot2::aes(x =Sepal.Length,y=Sepal.Width))
#' p <- p + 
#' ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(colour=Species)) + 
#' ggplot2::geom_line()
#' if(interactive()){
#' \dontrun{
#' pnew <- ggedit(p)
#' pnew
#' }
#' }
#' @import shiny
ggedit <- function(p.in, ...) {
  opts <- list(...)

  if (is.null(opts$viewer)) {
    opts$viewer <- shiny::paneViewer(minHeight = 1000)

  if (is.null(opts$verbose)) {
    opts$verbose <- TRUE

  if (is.null(opts$showDefaults)) {
    opts$showDefaults <- FALSE

  if (is.null(opts$width)) {
    opts$width <- "auto"

  if (is.null(opts$height)) {
    opts$height <- 600

  if (!Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") == "1") {
    opts$viewer <- shiny::browserViewer()

  if (is.ggplot(p.in)) {
    p.in <- list(p.in)

  if (is.null(names(p.in))) {
    names(p.in) <- as.character(1:length(p.in))

  p.names <- split(1:length(p.in), names(p.in))

  if (!all(unlist(lapply(p.in, is.ggplot)))) {
    stop("'object' is not a valid ggplot object")

  assign(".p", envir = .ggeditEnv, p.in)
  assign(".verbose", envir = .ggeditEnv, opts$verbose)
  assign(".showDefaults", envir = .ggeditEnv, opts$showDefaults)
  assign(".plotWidth", envir = .ggeditEnv, opts$width)
  assign(".plotHeight", envir = .ggeditEnv, opts$height)

  ggeditGadget(viewer = opts$viewer)

Try the ggedit package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ggedit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:07 a.m.