Man pages for ggfx
Pixel Filters for 'ggplot2' and 'grid'

as_colourspaceCollect channels into a single layer of a specific...
as_groupCollect layers into a group that can be treated as a single...
as_referenceCreate a reference to a layer for use in other filters
channel_specSet a channel of interest from a layer
ggfx-packageggfx: Pixel Filters for 'ggplot2' and 'grid'
object_supportSupported object types
raster_helpersRaster Helpers
raster_placementControl placements of raster in the plot
render_contextRendering information
with_blendBlend a layer with a reference
with_blend_customCreate a custom blend type
with_bloomApply bloom to your layer
with_blurApply a gaussian blur to your layer
with_customApply a custom filter
with_displacementApply a displacement map to a layer
with_ditherDither image using Floyd-Steinberg error correction dithering
with_inner_glowApply an inner glow to your layer
with_interpolateBlend two layerrs together by averaging them out
with_kernelApply a gaussian blur to your layer
with_maskApply a mask to a layer
with_motion_blurApply a motion blur to your layer
with_ordered_ditherDither image using a threshold dithering map
with_outer_glowApply an outer glow to your layer
with_rasterConvert a layer to a raster
with_shadeApply a gaussian blur to your layer
with_shadowApply a drop shadow to a layer
with_variable_blurApply a variable blur to a layer
ggfx documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.