as_colourspace: Collect channels into a single layer of a specific...

View source: R/colourspaces.R

as_colourspaceR Documentation

Collect channels into a single layer of a specific colourspace


If you need to work on single channels one by one you can use the different ch_*() selectors. If the result needs to be combined again into a colour layer you can use as_colourspace and pass in the required channels to make up the colourspace. By default the alpha channel will be created as the combination of the alpha channels from the provided channel layers. Alternatively you can set auto_opacity = FALSE and provide one additional channel which will then be used as alpha.


  colourspace = "sRGB",
  auto_opacity = TRUE,
  id = NULL,
  include = is.null(id)



A range of layers to combine. If there are no channel spec set the luminosity will be used


Which colourspace should the provided colour channels be interpreted as coming from.


Should the opacity be derived from the input layers or taken from a provided alpha channel


A string identifying this layer for later use


Should the layer itself be included in the graphic


A list of Layer objects

See Also

Other layer references: as_group(), as_reference()



segments <- data.frame(
  x = runif(300),
  y = runif(300),
  xend = runif(300),
  yend = runif(300)

# We use 'white' as that is the maximum value in all channels
ggplot(mapping = aes(x, y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
    geom_segment(data = segments[1:100,], colour = 'white'),
    geom_segment(data = segments[101:200,], colour = 'white'),
    geom_segment(data = segments[201:300,], colour = 'white'),
    colourspace = 'CMY'

ggfx documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.