Man pages for ggraph
An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks

autographQuickplot wrapper for networks
facet_edgesCreate small multiples based on edge attributes
facet_graphCreate a grid of small multiples by node and/or edge...
facet_nodesCreate small multiples based on node attributes
flareThe class hierarchy of the flare visualization library
geom_axis_hiveDraw rectangular bars and labels on hive axes
geom_conn_bundleCreate hierarchical edge bundles between node connections
geom_edge_arcDraw edges as Arcs
geom_edge_bendDraw edges as diagonals
geom_edge_bundle_forceBundle edges using force directed edge bundling
geom_edge_bundle_minimalBundle edges along the minimal spanning tree
geom_edge_bundle_pathBundle edges using edge path bundling
geom_edge_densityShow edges as a density map
geom_edge_diagonalDraw edges as diagonals
geom_edge_elbowDraw edges as elbows
geom_edge_fanDraw edges as curves of different curvature
geom_edge_hiveDraw edges in hive plots
geom_edge_linkDraw edges as straight lines between nodes
geom_edge_loopDraw edges as diagonals
geom_edge_parallelDraw multi edges as parallel lines
geom_edge_pointDraw edges as glyphs
geom_edge_sfDraw edges as LINESTRINGs in geographical space
geom_edge_spanDraw edges as vertical spans
geom_edge_tileDraw edges as glyphs
geometryDefine simple shapes for line capping
geom_node_arc_barShow nodes as thick arcs
geom_node_circleShow nodes as circles
geom_node_pointShow nodes as points
geom_node_rangeShow nodes as a line spanning a horizontal range
geom_node_sfShow nodes as POINTs in geographical space
geom_node_textAnnotate nodes with text
geom_node_tileDraw the rectangles in a treemap
geom_node_voronoiShow nodes as voronoi tiles
get_conCreate a connection extractor function
get_edgesCreate edge extractor function
get_nodesCreate a node extractor function
ggraphCreate a ggraph plot
ggraph-extensionsggraph extensions to ggplot2
ggraph-packageggraph: An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs...
guide_edge_colourbarColourbar legend for edges
guide_edge_colourstepsColoursteps legend for edges
guide_edge_directionEdge direction guide
highschoolFriendship among high school boys
internal_extractorsInternal data extractors
layout_tbl_graph_autoAutomatically pick a layout based on graph type
layout_tbl_graph_backbonePlace node to emphasize group structure
layout_tbl_graph_cactustreeCalculate nodes as fractal circle buds
layout_tbl_graph_centralityPlace nodes in circles according to centrality measure
layout_tbl_graph_circlepackCalculate nodes as circles packed within their parent circle
layout_tbl_graph_dendrogramApply a dendrogram layout to layout_tbl_graph
layout_tbl_graph_eigenPlace nodes according to their eigenvalues
layout_tbl_graph_fabricCreate a fabric layout
layout_tbl_graph_focusPlace nodes in circles based on distance to a specific node
layout_tbl_graph_hivePlace nodes in a Hive Plot layout
layout_tbl_graph_htreeLayout binary trees in a fractal H formation
layout_tbl_graph_igraphUse igraph layout algorithms for layout_tbl_graph
layout_tbl_graph_linearPlace nodes on a line or circle
layout_tbl_graph_manualManually specify a layout for layout_tbl_graph
layout_tbl_graph_matrixPlace nodes on a diagonal
layout_tbl_graph_metroPlace nodes according to the standard design of metro maps
layout_tbl_graph_partitionCalculate nodes as areas dividing their parent
layout_tbl_graph_pmdsPlace nodes based on a multidimensional scaling of a set of...
layout_tbl_graph_sfPlace nodes on their geographical space
layout_tbl_graph_stressPlace nodes using stress majorisation
layout_tbl_graph_treemapCalculate nodes as rectangles subdividing that of their...
layout_tbl_graph_unrootedCreate an unrooted layout using equal-angle or equal-daylight
layout_to_tableConvert a layout to a table
makeContent.cappedpathgrobDynamic capping of paths
makeContent.textalongText angled according to line
node_angleGet the angle of nodes and edges
pack_circlesPack circles together
qgraphDeprecated autograph predecessor
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
scale_edge_alphaEdge alpha scales
scale_edge_colourEdge colour scales
scale_edge_fillEdge fill scales
scale_edge_linetypeEdge linetype scales
scale_edge_shapeEdge shape scales
scale_edge_sizeEdge size scales
scale_edge_widthEdge width scales
scale_label_sizeEdge label size scales
scale_type.ggraph_geometryDefine default scale type for geometry
theme_graphA theme tuned for graph visualizations
whigsMembership network of American Whigs
ggraph documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:32 a.m.