Man pages for ggseg
Plotting Tool for Brain Atlases

adapt_scalesScale ggseg plot axes.
as_brain_atlasCreate brain atlas
asegFreesurfer automatic subcortical segmentation of a brain...
as_ggseg_atlasCreate ggseg atlas
brain_atlasConstructor for brain atlas
brain_joinJoin atlas and data
brain_labelsExtract unique labels of brain regions
brain_palGenerate palettes from the ggseg atlases
brain_pals_infoGet info on brain palettes
brain_regionsExtract unique names of brain regions
dkDesikan-Killiany Cortical Atlas
ggbrainBrain geom
ggsegggseg: Plot brain segmentations with ggplot
ggseg_atlas'ggseg_atlas' class
is_brain_atlasValidate brain atlas
is_ggseg_atlasValidate ggseg_atlas
position_brainAlter brain atlas position
read_atlas_filesRead in atlas data from all subjects
read_freesurfer_statsRead in raw FreeSurfer stats file
read_freesurfer_tableRead in stats table from FreeSurfer
reposition_brainReposition brain slices
scale_brainColour and fill scales from the ggseg atlases
scale_brain2Colour and fill scales from the ggseg atlases
scale_continous_brainAxis and label scales from the ggseg atlases
theme_brainggseg plot theme
ggseg documentation built on June 13, 2022, 5:07 p.m.