
Defines functions update_add_legend_title add_legend_title

Documented in add_legend_title

#' Add Legend Title
#' Add a default or custom title to the figure legend.
#' @param title a string to override the default legend title. Default is `NULL`
#' @return a ggplot2 figure
#' @export
#' @examples
#' survfit2(Surv(time, status) ~ surg, data = df_colon) %>%
#'   ggsurvfit() +
#'   add_legend_title() +
#'   scale_ggsurvfit()
#' @inherit ggsurvfit seealso
add_legend_title <- function(title = NULL) {
  add_legend_title_empty_list <- list()
  structure(add_legend_title_empty_list, title = title, class = "add_legend_title")

#' @export
ggplot_add.add_legend_title <- function (object, plot, object_name) {
  update_add_legend_title(plot, object)

update_add_legend_title <- function(p, add_legend_title_empty_list) {
  # confirm class and structure of object
  .is_ggsurvfit(p, fun_name = "add_legend_title()")

  # extract legend title
  legend_title <-
    attr(add_legend_title_empty_list, "title") %||%

  lst_labs <- list()
  p_build <- suppressWarnings(ggplot2::ggplot_build(p))

  # if colour or fill present add the title for those aes()
  if ("colour" %in% names(p_build$plot$labels)) {
    lst_labs[["colour"]] <- legend_title
  if ("fill" %in% names(p_build$plot$labels)) {
    lst_labs[["fill"]] <- legend_title
  # if there is a linetype aes() AND it's not from ggcuminc() with multiple outcomes, add title
  if ("linetype" %in% names(p_build$plot$labels) && (!inherits(p, "ggcuminc") || !length(unique(p$data$outcome)) > 1L)) {
    lst_labs[["linetype"]] <- legend_title

  # apply labels and return updated figure
  ggplot2::update_labels(p, labels = lst_labs)

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ggsurvfit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:27 a.m.