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Minimalistic client to access GitHub’s REST and GraphQL APIs.


Install the package from CRAN as usual:


Install the development version from GitHub:




Use the gh() function to access all API endpoints. The endpoints are listed in the documentation.

The first argument of gh() is the endpoint. You can just copy and paste the API endpoints from the documentation. Note that the leading slash must be included as well.

From you can copy and paste GET /users/{username}/repos into your gh() call. E.g.

my_repos <- gh("GET /users/{username}/repos", username = "gaborcsardi")
vapply(my_repos, "[[", "", "name")
#>  [1] "after"                "alexr"                "all.primer.tutorials"
#>  [4] "altlist"              "argufy"               "ask"                 
#>  [7] "async"                "BCEA"                 "BH"                  
#> [10] "brokenPackage"        "butcher"              "css"                 
#> [13] "curl"                 "disposables"          "dotenv"              
#> [16] "falsy"                "finmix"               "foobar"              
#> [19] "franc"                "fswatch"              "guildai-r"           
#> [22] "httpgd"               ""    "ISA"                 
#> [25] "isa2"                 "josaplay"             "keynote"             
#> [28] "keypress"             "log"                  "lpSolve"

The JSON result sent by the API is converted to an R object.

Parameters can be passed as extra arguments. E.g.

my_repos <- gh(
  username = "gaborcsardi",
  sort = "created")
vapply(my_repos, "[[", "", "name")
#>  [1] "isa2"                   "r-builds"               "sos"                   
#>  [4] "SCAVENGE"               "rworkflows"             "r-bugs"                
#>  [7] "josaplay"               "all.primer.tutorials"   "neartools"             
#> [10] "REDCapTidieR"           "guildai-r"              "BH"                    
#> [13] "testrtools"             "vt-rs"                  "testpaktestthat"       
#> [16] "httpgd"                 "BCEA"                   "monorepo"              
#> [19] "pacman"                 "tiff"                   "tidyclust"             
#> [22] "testCheckForceSuggests" "naomi"                  "rstudio"               
#> [25] "butcher"                "foobar"                 "roxydemo"              
#> [28] "log"                    "rtools-packages"        "r-builds-original"

POST, PATCH, PUT and DELETE requests

POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE requests can be sent by including the HTTP verb before the endpoint, in the first argument. E.g. to create a repository:

new_repo <- gh("POST /user/repos", name = "my-new-repo-for-gh-testing")

and then delete it:

gh("DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}", owner = "gaborcsardi",
   repo = "my-new-repo-for-gh-testing")


By default the GITHUB_PAT environment variable is used. Alternatively, one can set the .token argument of gh().


Supply the page parameter to get subsequent pages:

my_repos2 <- gh("GET /orgs/{org}/repos", org = "r-lib", page = 2)
vapply(my_repos2, "[[", "", "name")
#>  [1] "sodium"      "gargle"      "remotes"     "jose"        "backports"  
#>  [6] "rcmdcheck"   "vdiffr"      "callr"       "mockery"     "here"       
#> [11] "revdepcheck" "processx"    "vctrs"       "debugme"     "usethis"    
#> [16] "rlang"       "pkgload"     "httrmock"    "pkgbuild"    "prettycode" 
#> [21] "roxygen2md"  "pkgapi"      "zeallot"     "liteq"       "keyring"    
#> [26] "sloop"       "styler"      "ansistrings" "archive"     "later"

Environment Variables

Code of Conduct

Please note that the gh project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


MIT © Gábor Csárdi, Jennifer Bryan, Hadley Wickham

Try the gh package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gh documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:48 a.m.