Man pages for glpkAPI
R Interface to C API of GLPK

addColsGLPKAdd Columns to a GLPK Problem Object
addRowsGLPKAdd Rows to a GLPK Problem Object
advBasisGLPKContruct Advanced Initial LP Basis
bfExistsGLPKCheck if the basis factorization exists
bfUpdatedGLPKCheck if the basis factorization has been updated
checkDupGLPKCheck for Duplicate Elements in Sparse Matrix
copyProbGLPKCopy problem object content
cpxBasisGLPKConstruct Bixby's initial LP basis
createIndexGLPKCreate the Name Index
delColsGLPKDelete Columns from Problem Object
deleteIndexGLPKDelete the Name Index
delProbGLPKDelete Problem Object
delRowsGLPKDelete Rows from Problem Object
eraseProbGLPKErase problem object content
factorizeGLPKCompute the basis factorization
findColGLPKFind Column by its Name
findRowGLPKFind Row by its Name
getBfcpGLPKRetrieve Basis Factorization Control parameters
getBheadGLPKRetrieve Basis Header Information
getCbindGLPKRetrieve Column Index in the Basis Header
getColDualGLPKRetrieve Column Dual Value
getColDualIptGLPKRetrieve Column Dual Value
getColKindGLPKRetrieve Column Kind
getColLowBndGLPKRetrieve Column Lower Bound
getColNameGLPKRetrieve Column Name
getColPrimGLPKRetrieve Column Primal Value
getColPrimIptGLPKRetrieve Column Primal Value
getColsDualGLPKRetrieve Column Dual Value of all Columns
getColsDualIptGLPKRetrieve Column Dual Value of all Columns
getColsKindGLPKRetrieve Column Kind
getColsLowBndsGLPKRetrieve Lower Bounds of Specified Columns
getColsPrimGLPKRetrieve all Column Primal Values
getColsPrimIptGLPKRetrieve all Column Primal Values
getColsStatGLPKRetrieve Column Status of all Columns
getColStatGLPKRetrieve Column Status
getColsUppBndsGLPKRetrieve Upper Bounds of Specified Columns
getColTypeGLPKRetrieve Column Type
getColUppBndGLPKRetrieve Column Upper Bound
getDualStatGLPKRetrieve Status of Dual Basic Solution
getInteriorParmGLPKRetrives the Control Parameters for the Interior-point...
getMatColGLPKRetrieves Column j of the Constraint Matrix.
getMatRowGLPKRetrieves Row i of the Constraint Matrix.
getMIPParmGLPKRetrives the Control Parameters for MIP.
getNumBinGLPKRetrieve Number of Binary Columns
getNumColsGLPKRetrieve Number of Columns
getNumIntGLPKRetrieve Number of Integer Columns
getNumNnzGLPKRetrieve the Number of Constraint Coefficients
getNumRowsGLPKRetrieve Number of Rows
getObjCoefGLPKRetrieve Objective Coefficient or Constant Term
getObjCoefsGLPKRetrieve Objective Coefficients at Specified Columns and/or...
getObjDirGLPKRetrieve Optimization Direction Flag
getObjNameGLPKRetrieve Objective Function Name
getObjValGLPKRetrieve Objective Value
getObjValIptGLPKRetrieve Objective Value
getPrimStatGLPKRetrieve Status of Primal Basic Solution
getProbNameGLPKRetrieve Problem Name
getRbindGLPKRetrieve Row Index in the Basis Header
getRiiGLPKRetrieve row scale factor
getRowDualGLPKRetrieve Row Dual Value
getRowDualIptGLPKRetrieve Row Dual Value
getRowLowBndGLPKRetrieve Row Lower Bound
getRowNameGLPKRetrieve Row Name
getRowPrimGLPKRetrieve Row Primal Value
getRowPrimIptGLPKRetrieve Row Primal Value
getRowsDualGLPKRetrieve Row Dual Values of all Rows
getRowsDualIptGLPKRetrieve Row Dual Value of all Rows
getRowsLowBndsGLPKRetrieve Lower Bounds of Specified Rows
getRowsPrimGLPKRetrieve Row Primal Value of all Rows
getRowsPrimIptGLPKRetrieve Row Primal Value of all Rows
getRowsStatGLPKRetrieve Row Status of all Rows
getRowStatGLPKRetrieve Row Status
getRowsTypesGLPKRetrieve Types of Specified Constraints (Rows)
getRowsUppBndsGLPKRetrieve Upper Bounds of Specified Rows
getRowTypeGLPKRetrieve Row Type
getRowUppBndGLPKRetrieve Row Upper Bound
getSimplexParmGLPKRetrives the Control Parameters for the Simplex Method.
getSjjGLPKRetrieve column scale factor
getSolStatGLPKDetermine Generic Status of the Basic Soluton
getSolStatIptGLPKDetermine Solution Status
getUnbndRayGLPKDetermine Variable Causing Unboundedness
glpkAPI-packageR Interface to C API of GLPK
glpkConstantsConstants, Return and Status Codes of GLPK
glpkPtr-classClass '"glpkPtr"'
initProbGLPKCreate a GLPK Problem Object
loadMatrixGLPKLoad/Replace the Whole Constraint Matrix
mipColsValGLPKRetrieve Column Value of all Columns
mipColValGLPKRetrieve Column Value
mipObjValGLPKRetrieve Objective Value
mipRowsValGLPKRetrieve Row Value of all Rows
mipRowValGLPKRetrieve Row Value
mipStatusGLPKDetermine Status of MIP Solution
mplAllocWkspGLPKAllocate Translator Workspace
mplBuildProbGLPKBuild Problem Instance From Model
mplFreeWkspGLPKFree Translator Workspace
mplGenerateGLPKGenerate the Model
mplPostsolveGLPKPostsolve Model
mplReadDataGLPKRead and Translate Data Section
mplReadModelGLPKRead and Translate Model Section
printIptGLPKWrite Interior-Point Solution in Printable Format
printMIPGLPKWrite Interior-Point Solution in Printable Format
printRangesGLPKPrint Sensitivity Analysis Report
printSolGLPKWrite Basic Solution in Printable Format
readIptGLPKRead Interior-Point Solution From Text File
readLPGLPKRead Problem Data in CPLEX LP Format
readMIPGLPKRead MIP Solution From Text File
readMPSGLPKRead Problem Data in MPS Format
readProbGLPKRead Problem Data in GLPK F ormat
readSolGLPKRead Basic Solution From Text File
return_codeGLPKTranslates a GLPK Return Code into a Human Readable String
scaleProbGLPKScale Problem Data
setBfcpGLPKChange Basis Factorization Control Parameters
setColBndGLPKSet/Change Column Bounds
setColKindGLPKSet Column Kind
setColNameGLPKSet/Change Column Name
setColsBndsGLPKSet/Change Column Bounds
setColsBndsObjCoefsGLPKSet/Change Column Bounds and Objective Coefficients and/or...
setColsKindGLPKSet Column Kind for a Set of Columns
setColsNamesGLPKSet/Change Column Names
setColStatGLPKSet column status
setDefaultIptParmGLPKSets the Default Control Parameters for the Interior-point...
setDefaultMIPParmGLPKSets the Default Control Parameters for the MIP Method
setDefaultSmpParmGLPKSets the Default Control Parameters for the Simplex Methods.
setInteriorParmGLPKSets/Changes Control Parameters or the Interior-point Method.
setMatColGLPKSet (Replace) Column of the Constraint Matrix
setMatRowGLPKSet (Replace) Row of the Constraint Matrix
setMIPParmGLPKSets/Changes Control Parameters or the MIP Methods
setObjCoefGLPKSet/Change Objective Coefficient or Constant Term
setObjCoefsGLPKSet/Change Objective Coefficients and/or Constant Term
setObjDirGLPKSet/Change Optimization Direction Flag
setObjNameGLPKSet/Change Objective Function Name
setProbNameGLPKSet/Change Problem Name
setRhsZeroGLPKSet/Change all Row Bounds to Zero
setRiiGLPKSet row scale factor
setRowBndGLPKSet/Change Row Bounds
setRowNameGLPKSet/Change Row Name
setRowsBndsGLPKSet/Change Row Bounds
setRowsNamesGLPKSet/Change Row Names
setRowStatGLPKSet row status
setSimplexParmGLPKSets/Changes Control Parameters or the Simplex Methods.
setSjjGLPKRetrieve column scale factor
solveInteriorGLPKSolve LP Problem with the Interior-Point Method
solveMIPGLPKSolve MIP Problem with the Branch-and-Cut Method
solveSimplexExactGLPKSolve LP Problem in Exact Arithmetic
solveSimplexGLPKSolve LP Problem with the Primal or Dual Simplex Method
sortMatrixGLPKSort Elements of the Constraint Matrix
status_codeGLPKTranslates a GLPK Status Value into a Human Readable String
stdBasisGLPKContruct Standard Initial LP Basis
termOutGLPKEnable/Disable Terminal Output
unscaleProbGLPKProblem unscaling
versionGLPKDetermine GLPK Callable Library Version
warmUpGLPKWarm Up LP Basis
writeIptGLPKWrite Interior-Point Solution to Text File
writeLPGLPKWrite Problem Data in CPLEX LP Format
writeMIPGLPKWrite MIP Solution to Text File
writeMPSGLPKWrite Problem Data in MPS Format
writeProbGLPKWrite Problem Data in GLPK Format
writeSolGLPKWrite Basic Solution to Text File
glpkAPI documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:51 p.m.