spatialGridAcomp: Construct a regionalized composition / reorder compositional...

View source: R/grids.R

spatialGridAcompR Documentation

Construct a regionalized composition / reorder compositional simulations


Connect some coordinates to a composition (of hard data, of predictions or of simulations); currently, the coordinates are stored in an attribute and the dataset is given a complex S3 class. This functionality will change in the future, to make use of package "sp" classes.


spatialGridAcomp(coords, compo, dimcomp = 2, dimsim = NA)



coordinates of the locations


(observed or predicted) compositional data set; or else array of simulated compositions


which of the dimensions of compo does correspond to the parts of the compositon?


if compo contains simulations, which of its dimensions does run across the realisations? leave it as NA if compo has observations or predictions.


A (potentially transposed/aperm-ed) matrix of class c("spatialGridAcomp","acomp") with the coordinates in an extra attribute "coords".

See Also

image_cokriged.spatialGridAcomp() for an example; gsi.gstatCokriging2compo() to restructure the output from gstat::predict.gstat() confortably

gmGeostats documentation built on April 18, 2023, 5:08 p.m.