
Defines functions gcv_get_available_feature_types

Documented in gcv_get_available_feature_types

#' @title helper function code to record available feature types
#' @return a list of available features names and their types (as returned by the API)
#' @examples
#' gcv_get_available_feature_types()
#' @export
gcv_get_available_feature_types <- function() {
        LABEL_DETECTION         = "labelAnnotations",
        TEXT_DETECTION          = "textAnnotations",
        DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION = "textAnnotations",
        FACE_DETECTION          = "faceAnnotations",
        LOGO_DETECTION          = "logoAnnotations",
        LANDMARK_DETECTION      = "landmarkAnnotations"

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googleCloudVisionR documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:13 p.m.