
`%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`

## Public testing sheet (owned by rpackagetest)
pts_url <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1amnxLg9VVDoE6KSIZvutYkEGNgQyJSnLJgHthehruy8/"
pts_title <- "test-gs-public-testing-sheet"
pts_key <- "1amnxLg9VVDoE6KSIZvutYkEGNgQyJSnLJgHthehruy8"
pts_ws_feed <- construct_ws_feed_from_key(pts_key, "public")

## Public on the web, but not published on the web (owned by rpackagetest)
gotcha_url <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B0ug4WvaU175Nrz4JSyBoTSQ5HSZXrGRUQLq-8M3uaA/edit#gid=1167867454"
gotcha_title <- "test-gs-public-not-published"
gotcha_key <- "1B0ug4WvaU175Nrz4JSyBoTSQ5HSZXrGRUQLq-8M3uaA"
gotcha_ws_feed <- construct_ws_feed_from_key(gotcha_key, "public")

## Old sheet (owned by rpackagetest)
# old_url <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai6OdwH-k_ZcdElYSWIxNkhwRkMzdnJTenowazFSS3c"
# old_key <- "tIXIb16HpFC3vrSzz0k1RKw"
# old_ws_feed <- "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/tIXIb16HpFC3vrSzz0k1RKw/private/values" # it appears only private works for old sheets?
# old_alt_key <- "0Ai6OdwH-k_ZcdElYSWIxNkhwRkMzdnJTenowazFSS3c"
# old_title <- "test-gs-old-sheet"

## Old sheet (owned by gspreadr)
old_url <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Audw-qi1jh3fdDBsbVJTa3VBZW5lRUp5NVhHc1FQaXc"
old_key <- "t0lmRSkuAeneEJy5XGsQPiw"
old_ws_feed <- "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/t0lmRSkuAeneEJy5XGsQPiw/private/values" # it appears only private works for old sheets?
old_alt_key <- "0Audw-qi1jh3fdDBsbVJTa3VBZW5lRUp5NVhHc1FQaXc"
old_title <- "test-gs-old-sheet2"

## WTF sheets (owned by gspreadr)
## first sheet -- "Testing helper" -- exists solely so that ...
## second sheet can have as it's title the key of the first sheet
## important that these are owned by gspreadr because they're used to test
##   that only applies to the spreadsheets feed, which requires auth
wtf1_url <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0iNuYW4v_oG69s7c5NzdoMF_aXq1aOP-OAOJ4gK6Xc/edit#gid=0"
wtf1_key <- "1F0iNuYW4v_oG69s7c5NzdoMF_aXq1aOP-OAOJ4gK6Xc"
wtf1_title <- "gs-test-testing helper"
wtf2_title <- wtf1_key
wtf2_key <- "1upHM4Kg9Zr3dmzW2LW_rMG44NFJruQOIv_FQ-YvRFT8"
wtf2_url <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1upHM4Kg9Zr3dmzW2LW_rMG44NFJruQOIv_FQ-YvRFT8/edit#gid=0"

## old style sheets ...
## these are hard to get your hands on now (except, ironically, for my users!)
## I have had Google forcibly convert at least two test sheets from
##   old style to new style
## I recently got an old style sheet via this link:
## http://its.faith.edu.ph/news/oldstylegooglesheet
## the actual link to make a copy of an old style sheet is this:
## https://drive.google.com/open?id=0AixWk2YYzNjidGxZS1ItdkN1bzJyeFFTSGxjc0lXamc&authuser=0&newcopy

## Private iris sheet (owned by gspreadr)
iris_pvt_url <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UXr4-haIQsmJfyjkEhlkNt2PXduBkB97e15jez9ogRo/"
iris_pvt_title <- "test-gs-iris-private"
iris_pvt_key <- iris_pvt_url %>% extract_key_from_url()
iris_pvt_ws_feed <- "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/1UXr4-haIQsmJfyjkEhlkNt2PXduBkB97e15jez9ogRo/private/full"

## Private cars sheet (owned by rpackagetest)
cars_pvt_url <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rC2qjB8VE50kTkHZL5PY_DHVc9foRLI8ixKLr8a0a9Y/"
cars_pvt_title <- "test-gs-cars-private"
cars_pvt_key <- cars_pvt_url %>%
cars_pvt_ws_feed <- cars_pvt_url %>%
  extract_key_from_url() %>%

Try the googlesheets package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

googlesheets documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:57 p.m.