google_map_directions: Google Map Directions

View source: R/google_map_urls.R

google_map_directionsR Documentation

Google Map Directions


Opens Google Maps in a browser with the resutls of the specified directions query


  origin = NULL,
  origin_place_id = NULL,
  destination = NULL,
  destination_place_id = NULL,
  travel_mode = NULL,
  dir_action = NULL,
  waypoints = NULL,
  waypoint_place_ids = NULL



string of an address or search term, or vector of lat/lon coordinates


a Google place id ( If used, you must also specify an origin


string of an address or vector of lat/lon coordinates


a Google place id ( If used, you must also specify an destination


one of driving, walking, bicycling or transit. If not supplied, the Google Map will show one or more of the most relevant modes for the route.


can only be "navigate". If set, the map will attempt to launch turn-by-turn navigation or route preview to the destination.


List of either place names, addresses, or vectors of lat/lon coordinates. Up to 3 are allowed on mobile devices, and up to 9 otherwise.


vector of place_ids to match against the list of waypoints. If used, the waypoints must also be used.


There is no need for an api key

Waypoints are not supported on all Google Map products. In those cases, this parameter will be ignored.


## Not run: 

google_map_directions(origin = "Google Pyrmont NSW",
  destination = "QVB, Sydney", destination_place_id = "ChIJISz8NjyuEmsRFTQ9Iw7Ear8",
  travel_mode = "walking")

google_map_directions(origin = "Melbourne Cricket Ground",
  destination = "Flinders Street Station",
  dir_action = "navigate")

google_map_directions(origin = "Melbourne Cricket Ground",
  destination = "Flinders Street Station",
  travel_mode = "walking",
  waypoints = list("National Gallery of Victoria", c(-37.820860, 144.961894)))

google_map_directions(origin = "Paris, France",
  destination = "Cherbourg, France",
  travel_mode = "driving",
  waypoints = list("Versailles, France", "Chartres, France", "Le Mans, France",
    "Caen, France"))

google_map_directions(origin = "Paris, France",
  destination = "Cherbourg, France",
  travel_mode = "driving",
  waypoints = list("Versailles, France", "Chartres, France", "Le Mans, France",
    "Caen, France"),
  waypoint_place_ids = list("ChIJdUyx15R95kcRj85ZX8H8OAU",
  "ChIJKzGHdEgM5EcR_OBTT3nQoEA", "ChIJG2LvQNCI4kcRKXNoAsPi1Mc", "ChIJ06tnGbxCCkgRsfNjEQMwUsc"))

## End(Not run)

googleway documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 9:13 a.m.