Man pages for gpboost
Combining Tree-Boosting with Gaussian Process and Mixed Effects Models

agaricus.testTest part from Mushroom Data Set
agaricus.trainTraining part from Mushroom Data Set
bankBank Marketing Data Set
coordsExample data for the GPBoost package
coords_testExample data for the GPBoost package
dimDimensions of an 'gpb.Dataset'
dimnames.gpb.DatasetHandling of column names of 'gpb.Dataset'
fitGeneric 'fit' method for a 'GPModel'
fitGPModelFits a 'GPModel'
fit.GPModelFits a 'GPModel'
get_aux_parsGet (estimated) auxiliary (additional) parameters of the...
get_aux_pars.GPModelGet (estimated) auxiliary (additional) parameters of the...
get_coefGet (estimated) linear regression coefficients
get_coef.GPModelGet (estimated) linear regression coefficients
get_cov_parsGet (estimated) covariance parameters
get_cov_pars.GPModelGet (estimated) covariance parameters
getinfoGet information of an 'gpb.Dataset' object
get_nested_categoriesAuxiliary function to create categorical variables for nested...
gpb.convert_with_rulesData preparator for GPBoost datasets with rules (integer)
gpb.cvCV function for number of boosting iterations
gpb.DatasetConstruct 'gpb.Dataset' object
gpb.Dataset.constructConstruct Dataset explicitly
gpb.Dataset.create.validConstruct validation data
gpb.Dataset.saveSave 'gpb.Dataset' to a binary file
gpb.Dataset.set.categoricalSet categorical feature of 'gpb.Dataset'
gpb.Dataset.set.referenceSet reference of 'gpb.Dataset'
gpb.dumpDump GPBoost model to json
gpb.get.eval.resultGet record evaluation result from booster for choosing tuning parameters
gpb.importanceCompute feature importance in a model
gpb.interpreteCompute feature contribution of prediction
gpb.loadLoad GPBoost model
gpb.model.dt.treeParse a GPBoost model json dump
gpboostTrain a GPBoost model
GPBoost_dataExample data for the GPBoost package
gpb.plot.importancePlot feature importance as a bar graph
gpb.plot.interpretationPlot feature contribution as a bar graph
gpb.plot.part.dep.interactPlot interaction partial dependence plots
gpb.plot.partial.dependencePlot partial dependence plots
gpb.saveSave GPBoost model
gpb_shared_paramsShared parameter docs
gpb.trainMain training logic for GBPoost
GPModelCreate a 'GPModel' object
GPModel_shared_paramsDocumentation for parameters shared by 'GPModel', '',...
group_dataExample data for the GPBoost package
group_data_testExample data for the GPBoost package
loadGPModelLoad a 'GPModel' from a file
neg_log_likelihoodEvaluate the negative log-likelihood
neg_log_likelihood.GPModelEvaluate the negative log-likelihood
predict.gpb.BoosterPrediction function for 'gpb.Booster' objects
predict.GPModelMake predictions for a 'GPModel'
predict_training_data_random_effectsPredict ("estimate") training data random effects for a...
predict_training_data_random_effects.GPModelPredict ("estimate") training data random effects for a...
readRDS.gpb.BoosterreadRDS for 'gpb.Booster' models
saveGPModelSave a 'GPModel'
saveRDS.gpb.BoostersaveRDS for 'gpb.Booster' models
setinfoSet information of an 'gpb.Dataset' object
set_optim_paramsSet parameters for estimation of the covariance parameters
set_optim_params.GPModelSet parameters for estimation of the covariance parameters
set_prediction_dataSet prediction data for a 'GPModel'
set_prediction_data.GPModelSet prediction data for a 'GPModel'
sliceSlice a dataset
summary.GPModelSummary for a 'GPModel'
XExample data for the GPBoost package
X_testExample data for the GPBoost package
yExample data for the GPBoost package
gpboost documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:04 p.m.