predict.GPModel: Make predictions for a 'GPModel'

predict.GPModelR Documentation

Make predictions for a GPModel


Make predictions for a GPModel


## S3 method for class 'GPModel'
predict(object, y = NULL, group_data_pred = NULL,
  group_rand_coef_data_pred = NULL, gp_coords_pred = NULL,
  gp_rand_coef_data_pred = NULL, cluster_ids_pred = NULL,
  predict_cov_mat = FALSE, predict_var = FALSE, cov_pars = NULL,
  X_pred = NULL, use_saved_data = FALSE, predict_response = TRUE,
  offset = NULL, offset_pred = NULL, fixed_effects = NULL,
  fixed_effects_pred = NULL, vecchia_pred_type = NULL,
  num_neighbors_pred = NULL, ...)



a GPModel


Observed data (can be NULL, e.g. when the model has been estimated already and the same data is used for making predictions)


A vector or matrix with elements being group levels for which predictions are made (if there are grouped random effects in the GPModel)


A vector or matrix with covariate data for grouped random coefficients (if there are some in the GPModel)


A matrix with prediction coordinates (=features) for Gaussian process (if there is a GP in the GPModel)


A vector or matrix with covariate data for Gaussian process random coefficients (if there are some in the GPModel)


A vector with elements indicating the realizations of random effects / Gaussian processes for which predictions are made (set to NULL if you have not specified this when creating the GPModel)


A boolean. If TRUE, the (posterior) predictive covariance is calculated in addition to the (posterior) predictive mean


A boolean. If TRUE, the (posterior) predictive variances are calculated


A vector containing covariance parameters which are used if the GPModel has not been trained or if predictions should be made for other parameters than the trained ones


A matrix with prediction covariate data for the fixed effects linear regression term (if there is one in the GPModel)


A boolean. If TRUE, predictions are done using a priory set data via the function '$set_prediction_data' (this option is not used by users directly)


A boolean. If TRUE, the response variable (label) is predicted, otherwise the latent random effects


A numeric vector with additional fixed effects contributions that are added to the linear predictor (= offset). The length of this vector needs to equal the number of training data points.


A numeric vector with additional fixed effects contributions that are added to the linear predictor for the prediction points (= offset). The length of this vector needs to equal the number of prediction points.


This is discontinued. Use the renamed equivalent argument offset instead


This is discontinued. Use the renamed equivalent argument offset_pred instead


A string specifying the type of Vecchia approximation used for making predictions. This is discontinued here. Use the function 'set_prediction_data' to specify this


an integer specifying the number of neighbors for making predictions. This is discontinued here. Use the function 'set_prediction_data' to specify this


(not used, ignore this, simply here that there is no CRAN warning)


Predictions from a GPModel. A list with three entries is returned:

  • "mu" (first entry): predictive (=posterior) mean. For (generalized) linear mixed effects models, i.e., models with a linear regression term, this consists of the sum of fixed effects and random effects predictions

  • "cov" (second entry): predictive (=posterior) covariance matrix. This is NULL if 'predict_cov_mat=FALSE'

  • "var" (third entry) : predictive (=posterior) variances. This is NULL if 'predict_var=FALSE'


Fabio Sigrist


# See for more examples

data(GPBoost_data, package = "gpboost")
# Add intercept column
X1 <- cbind(rep(1,dim(X)[1]),X)
X_test1 <- cbind(rep(1,dim(X_test)[1]),X_test)

#--------------------Grouped random effects model: single-level random effect----------------
gp_model <- fitGPModel(group_data = group_data[,1], y = y, X = X1,
                       likelihood="gaussian", params = list(std_dev = TRUE))
# Make predictions
pred <- predict(gp_model, group_data_pred = group_data_test[,1], 
                X_pred = X_test1, predict_var = TRUE)
pred$mu # Predicted mean
pred$var # Predicted variances
# Also predict covariance matrix
pred <- predict(gp_model, group_data_pred = group_data_test[,1], 
                X_pred = X_test1, predict_cov_mat = TRUE)
pred$mu # Predicted mean
pred$cov # Predicted covariance

#--------------------Gaussian process model----------------
gp_model <- fitGPModel(gp_coords = coords, cov_function = "exponential",
                       likelihood="gaussian", y = y, X = X1, params = list(std_dev = TRUE))
# Make predictions
pred <- predict(gp_model, gp_coords_pred = coords_test, 
                X_pred = X_test1, predict_cov_mat = TRUE)
pred$mu # Predicted (posterior) mean of GP
pred$cov # Predicted (posterior) covariance matrix of GP

gpboost documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:04 p.m.