yearweek: Constructor for yearweek objects

View source: R/yearweek.R

yearweekR Documentation

Constructor for yearweek objects


yearweek() is a constructor for ⁠<grates_yearweek>⁠ objects. These are weeks whose first day can be specified by the user.


yearweek(year = integer(), week = integer(), firstday = 1L)




Vector representing the year associated with week.

double vectors will be converted via as.integer(floor(x)).



Vector representing the week associated with 'year.

double vectors will be converted via as.integer(floor(x)).



The day the week starts on from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).


For yearweek objects the first week of a "year" is considered to be the first yearweek containing 4 days of the given calendar year. This means that the calendar year will sometimes be different to that of the associated yearweek object.


A ⁠<grates_yearweek>⁠ object with subclass corresponding to the first day of the week they represent (e.g. ⁠<grates_yearweek_monday>⁠).


Internally ⁠<grates_yearweek>⁠ objects are stored as the number of weeks (starting at 0) from the date of the firstday nearest the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01). That is, the number of seven day periods from:

- 1969-12-29 for `firstday` equal to 1 (Monday)
- 1969-12-30 for `firstday` equal to 2 (Tuesday)
- 1969-12-31 for `firstday` equal to 3 (Wednesday)
- 1970-01-01 for `firstday` equal to 4 (Thursday)
- 1970-01-02 for `firstday` equal to 5 (Friday)
- 1970-01-03 for `firstday` equal to 6 (Saturday)
- 1970-01-04 for `firstday` equal to 7 (Sunday)

See Also

as_yearweek() and new_yearweek().


yearweek(year = 2000L, week = 3L)

grates documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:36 p.m.