
Defines functions gessage .onLoad

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # op <- options()
  # the_tempdir <- tempdir()
  # opgrattan <- list(
  #   "grattan.verbose" = FALSE,
  #   "grattan.assume1901_2100" = TRUE,
  #   "grattan.taxstats.lib" = {
  #     if (any(grepl("taxstatslib", list.dirs(path = the_tempdir, 
  #                                            recursive = FALSE, 
  #                                            full.names = FALSE)))) {
  #       lib <- file.path(the_tempdir, 
  #                        grep("taxstatslib", 
  #                             list.dirs(path = the_tempdir,
  #                                       recursive = FALSE,
  #                                       full.names = FALSE),
  #                             value = TRUE,
  #                             fixed = TRUE)[1])
  #     } else {
  #       lib <- tempfile("taxstatslib", tmpdir = the_tempdir)
  #     }
  #     lib
  #   }
  # )
  # toset <- !(names(opgrattan) %in% names(op))
  # if (any(toset)) options(opgrattan[toset])
  # # CRAN Note avoidance
  # if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") 
      # sample file names from taxstats
      c("Ind", "Gender", "age_range", "Occ_code", "Partner_status",
        "Region", "Lodgment_method", "PHI_Ind", "Sw_amt", "Alow_ben_amt",
        "ETP_txbl_amt", "Grs_int_amt", "Aust_govt_pnsn_allw_amt", "Unfranked_Div_amt",
        "Frk_Div_amt", "Dividends_franking_cr_amt", "Net_rent_amt", "Gross_rent_amt",
        "Other_rent_ded_amt", "Rent_int_ded_amt", "Rent_cap_wks_amt",
        "Net_farm_management_amt", "Net_PP_BI_amt", "Net_NPP_BI_amt",
        "Total_PP_BI_amt", "Total_NPP_BI_amt", "Total_PP_BE_amt", "Total_NPP_BE_amt",
        "Net_CG_amt", "Tot_CY_CG_amt", "Net_PT_PP_dsn", "Net_PT_NPP_dsn",
        "Taxed_othr_pnsn_amt", "Untaxed_othr_pnsn_amt", "Other_foreign_inc_amt",
        "Other_inc_amt", "Tot_inc_amt", "WRE_car_amt", "WRE_trvl_amt",
        "WRE_uniform_amt", "WRE_self_amt", "WRE_other_amt", "Div_Ded_amt",
        "Intrst_Ded_amt", "Gift_amt", "Non_emp_spr_amt", "Cost_tax_affairs_amt",
        "Other_Ded_amt", "Tot_ded_amt", "PP_loss_claimed", "NPP_loss_claimed",
        "Rep_frng_ben_amt", "Med_Exp_TO_amt", "Asbl_forgn_source_incm_amt",
        "Spouse_adjusted_taxable_inc", "Net_fincl_invstmt_lss_amt", "Rptbl_Empr_spr_cont_amt",
        "Cr_PAYG_ITI_amt", "TFN_amts_wheld_gr_intst_amt", "TFN_amts_wheld_divs_amt",
        "Hrs_to_prepare_BPI_cnt", "Taxable_Income", "Help_debt", "MCS_Emplr_Contr",
        "MCS_Prsnl_Contr", "MCS_Othr_Contr", "MCS_Ttl_Acnt_Bal",
    # we use the magrittr pipe

    # to return

    # generic.inflators

    # CGT inflator

    # Taxstats Table 1


    # dput(unique(c(names(grattan:::medicare_tbl), names(grattan:::sapto_tbl), names(grattan:::cgt_expenditures))))
    c("sato", "pto", "sapto", "family_status", "lower_threshold",
      "upper_threshold", "taper", "rate", "lower_family_threshold",
      "upper_family_threshold", "lower_up_for_each_child", "family_status_index",
      "max_offset", "taper_rate", "source", "FY", "CGT_discount_for_individuals_and_trusts_millions",
      "URL", "Projected"),
    # lito_tbl
    "max_lito", "min_bracket", "lito_taper"
  # tryCatch({
  #   f_mtimes <- 
  #     # Display last file changed when on local machine only
  #     if (identical(Sys.info()[["user"]], "hughp")) {
  #       if (file.exists("R/grattan-package.R")) {
  #         c(vapply(dir(path = "R", full.names = TRUE), file.mtime, double(1)),
  #           vapply(dir(path = "tests/testthat", full.names = TRUE), file.mtime, double(1)))
  #       } else if (file.exists(file.path(find.package("grattan"), "NAMESPACE"))) {
  #         sapply(file.path(find.package("grattan"), "NAMESPACE"), file.mtime)
  #       }
  #     }
  #   if (length(f_mtimes)) {
  #     class(f_mtimes) <- "POSIXct"
  #     the_filemtime <- f_mtimes[which.max(f_mtimes)]
  #     ago <- difftime(Sys.time(), the_filemtime)
  #     file_name <- names(the_filemtime)
  #     if (is.character(basename(file_name))) {
  #       gessage("Last change: ", basename(file_name), " at ", strftime(the_filemtime),
  #               " (", floor(ago), " ", attr(ago, "units"), " ago).")
  #     }
  #   }
  # }, 
  # error = function(e) NULL)
  # verify_NA_ALIAS(0L)

gessage <- function(...) {
  if (identical(Sys.info()[["user"]], "hughp") &&
      identical(.Platform$GUI, "RStudio") &&
      !isNamespaceLoaded("pkgdown") &&
      FALSE &&
      file.exists("~/grattan_1.4.0.2.tar.gz")) {
  } else {

.onUnload <- function (libpath) {
  library.dynam.unload("grattan", libpath)

Try the grattan package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

grattan documentation built on Sept. 4, 2023, 5:08 p.m.