plot.grf_tree: Plot a GRF tree object.

View source: R/plot.R

plot.grf_treeR Documentation

Plot a GRF tree object.


The direction NAs are sent are indicated with the arrow fill. An empty arrow indicates that NAs are sent that way. If trained without missing values, both arrows are filled.


## S3 method for class 'grf_tree'
plot(x, = NULL, ...)



The tree to plot

A boolean toggling whether to include the path of missing values or not. It defaults to whether the forest was trained with NAs.


Additional arguments (currently ignored).


## Not run: 
# Plot a tree in the forest (requires the `DiagrammeR` package).
n <- 500
p <- 10
X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
W <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
Y <- pmax(X[, 1], 0) * W + X[, 2] + pmin(X[, 3], 0) + rnorm(n)
c.forest <- causal_forest(X, Y, W)
plot(tree <- get_tree(c.forest, 1))
# Compute the leaf nodes the first five samples falls into.
leaf.nodes <- get_leaf_node(tree, X[1:5, ])

# Saving a plot in .svg can be done with the `DiagrammeRsvg` package.
tree.plot = plot(tree)
cat(DiagrammeRsvg::export_svg(tree.plot), file = 'plot.svg')

## End(Not run)

grf documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:20 p.m.