Man pages for growR
Implementation of the Vegetation Model ModVege

aCO2_inverseConcentration representative year
add_linesAdd data to a ggplot
analyze_parameter_scanAnalyze results of a parameter scan
append_to_tableWrite *data* to supplied file in append mode without...
atmospheric_CO2Atmospheric CO2 concentration
box_smoothEndpoint smoother
browseDebugging utilities
build_functional_groupBuild the effective functional group as a weighted linear...
check_for_packageCheck if *package* is available
compare.RCompare simulation results
create_combinationsCreate Valid Combinations
create_example_environmentProvide an example ModvegeEnvironment
ensure_table_columnsCheck if supplied table contains all *required* variables.
ensure_unique_filenameReplace given filename by a version that contains an...
fCO2_growth_modCO2 growth modifier
fCO2_transpiration_modCO2 transpiration modifier
FG_AFunctional group A
FG_BFunctional group B
FG_CFunctional group C
FG_DFunctional group D
fPARRadiation limitation
fTTemperature limitation
FunctionalGroupRepresentation of a grassland plant population
fWWater stress
get_annual_gross_yieldLookup table returning expected annual gross yields as...
get_biasMetric Functions
get_end_of_cutting_seasonLast day of cutting season
get_expected_n_cutsGet number of expected cuts
get_relative_cut_contributionRelative cut contribution
get_site_nameExtract the name of a site from a filename
growR-packagegrowR: R implementation of the grass growth model ModVege.
growR_package_optionsDefault options introduced by package growR
growR_run_loopRun growR simulations
load_measured_dataLoad experimental data
loggerPrimitive logger for debugging.
make_yearDOYCreate unique DOY + year identifier
ManagementDataManagement Data Class
management_parametersManagement practices for Swiss grasslands
metric_mapList of Performance Metrics
ModvegeEnvironmentgrowR environment data
ModvegeParametersParameter Data Object
parameter_scan_exampleExample results of a parameter scan
parse_year_stringsParse and generate lists of years.
plot.ModvegeSitePlot ModVege simulation result overview
plot_parameter_scanPlot Parameter Scan Results
plus-.FunctionalGroupAddition of two functional groups
posieux_weatherExample Weather Data
PscanPlotterPlot Parameter Scan Results
read_configRead simulation run configurations from file
run_parameter_scanParameter Scan
SEASeasonal effect on growth
set_growR_verbositySet verbosity of growR output.
setup_directoryInitialize growR directory structure
start_of_growing_seasonDetermine start of growing season
start_of_growing_season_mtdMulticriterial Thermal Definition
times-.FunctionalGroupScalar multiplication of functional group (order matters:...
WeatherDataWeather Data Object
weighted_temperature_sumCreate a weighted temperature sum
willmottWillmott Index
yield_parametersParameters for expected yields in Switzerland
growR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:12 a.m.