setup_directory: Initialize growR directory structure

View source: R/setup.R

setup_directoryR Documentation

Initialize growR directory structure


Creates directories in which growR by default looks for or deposits certain files. Also, optionally populates these directories with example files, which are useful to familiarize oneself with the growR simulation framework.


setup_directory(root, include_examples = TRUE, force = FALSE)



Path to directory in which to initialize.


If TRUE (default), include example data and input parameters in the appropriate directories.


boolean If TRUE, the user will not be asked for permission before we write to the filesystem.


# Prepare a temporary directory to write to
tmp = file.path(tempdir(), "test-setup_directory")

# We need `force = TRUE` here in order to make the example work in 
# non-interactive settings.
setup_directory(root = tmp, include_examples = FALSE, force = TRUE)

# The `input`, `output` and `data` directories are now present.

# Warnings are issued if directories are already present. Example files 
# are still copied and potentially overwritten.
setup_directory(root = tmp, include_examples = TRUE, force = TRUE)

# Example files are now present
list.files(tmp, recursive = TRUE)

# End of the example. The following code is for cleaning up.
unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE)

growR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:12 a.m.