Man pages for grpreg
Regularization Paths for Regression Models with Grouped Covariates AUC for cv.grpsurv objects
BirthwtRisk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth Weight
birthwt.grpregRisk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth Weight
cv.grpregCross-validation for grpreg/grpsurv
expand_splineExpand feature matrix using basis splines
gBridgeFit a group bridge regression path
gen_nonlinear_dataGenerate nonlinear example data
grpregFit a group penalized regression path
grpreg-packagegrpreg: Regularization Paths for Regression Models with...
grpsurvFit an group penalized survival model
logLik.grpreglogLik method for grpreg
LungVA lung cancer data set the cross-validation curve from a 'cv.grpreg' object
plot.grpregPlot coefficients from a "grpreg" object
plot.grpsurv.funcPlot survival curve for grpsurv model
plot_splinePlot spline curve for a fitted additive model
predict.grpregModel predictions based on a fitted 'grpreg' object
predict.grpsurvModel predictions for grpsurv objects
residuals.grpregExtract residuals from a grpreg or grpsurv fit
selectSelect an value of lambda along a grpreg path inferences based on cross-validation
grpreg documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:13 p.m.