Man pages for grpreg
Regularization Paths for Regression Models with Grouped Covariates

aucCalculates AUC for cv.grpsurv objects
BirthwtRisk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth Weight
birthwt-grpregRisk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth Weight
cv-grpregCross-validation for grpreg/grpsurv
expand_splineExpand feature matrix using basis splines
gBridgeFit a group bridge regression path
gen_nonlinear_dataGenerate nonlinear example data
grpregFit a group penalized regression path
grpreg-packageRegularization paths for regression models with grouped...
grpsurvFit an group penalized survival model
logLik-grpreglogLik method for grpreg
LungVA lung cancer data set
plot-cv-grpregPlots the cross-validation curve from a 'cv.grpreg' object
plot-grpregPlot coefficients from a "grpreg" object
plot-grpsurv-funcPlot survival curve for grpsurv model
plot_splinePlot spline curve for a fitted additive model
predictModel predictions based on a fitted 'grpreg' object
predict.grpsurvModel predictions for grpsurv objects
residuals.grpregExtract residuals from a grpreg or grpsurv fit
select-grpregSelect an value of lambda along a grpreg path
summary-cv-grpregSummarizing inferences based on cross-validation
grpreg documentation built on July 27, 2021, 1:08 a.m.