Man pages for gsDesign
Group Sequential Design

as_gtConvert a summary table object to a gt object
as_rtfSave a summary table object as an RTF file
as_tableCreate a summary table
checkScalarUtility functions to verify variable properties
eEventsExpected number of events for a time-to-event study
gsBinomialExactOne-Sample Binomial Routines
gsBoundBoundary derivation - low level
gsBoundCPConditional Power at Interim Boundaries
gsBoundSummaryBound Summary and Z-transformations
gsCPConditional and Predictive Power, Overall and Conditional...
gsDensityGroup sequential design interim density function
gsDesignDesign Derivation
gsDesign-packagegsDesign: Group Sequential Design
gsProbabilityBoundary Crossing Probabilities
gsSurvCalendarTime-to-event endpoint design with calendar timing of...
hGraphCreate multiplicity graphs using ggplot2
nNormalNormal distribution sample size (2-sample)
normalGridNormal Density Grid
nSurvAdvanced time-to-event sample size calculation
nSurvivalTime-to-event sample size calculation (Lachin-Foulkes)
pipePipe operator
plot.gsDesignPlots for group sequential designs
sequentiaPValueSequential p-value computation
sfDistributionTwo-parameter Spending Function Families
sfExponentialExponential Spending Function
sfHSDHwang-Shih-DeCani Spending Function
sfLDOFLan-DeMets Spending function overview
sfLinearPiecewise Linear and Step Function Spending Functions
sfPointsPointwise Spending Function
sfPowerKim-DeMets (power) Spending Function
sfSpecialTruncated, trimmed and gapped spending functions
sfTDistt-distribution Spending Function
sfXGXi and Gallo conditional error spending functions
spendingFunctionSpending Function
ssrCPSample size re-estimation based on conditional power
toBinomialExactTranslate survival design bounds to exact binomial bounds
toIntegerTranslate group sequential design to integer events (survival...
varBinomialTesting, Confidence Intervals, Sample Size and Power for...
gsDesign documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:58 p.m.