PrimarySchool: Network of interactions within a primary school in the course...

PrimarySchoolR Documentation

Network of interactions within a primary school in the course of a day


This network, collected and analyzed by J. Stehle et al. in "High-resolution measurements of face-to-face contact patterns in a primary school", records physical interactions between 226 children and 10 teachers within a primary school over the course of a day. The network data was collected using a system of sensors worn by the participants. This system records the duration of interactions between two individuals facing each other at a maximum distance of one and a half meters.




A list with 2 attributes:


adjacency matrix of the graph. A binary matrix encoding 2490 undirected connections between 236 nodes, with 7054 missing entries


vector indicating the class of the node if the corresponding individual is a child, and otherwise that it belongs to the group of teachers.


gsbm documentation built on Sept. 20, 2022, 9:06 a.m.