
setClassUnion("data.frame_OR_NULL", c("data.frame", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("character_OR_NULL", c("character", "NULL"))

##' Class "GSON"
##' This class represents gene set information.
##' @name GSON-class
##' @aliases GSON-class 
##'     show,GSON-method
##' @docType class
##' @slot gsid2gene data.frame with two columns of 'gsid' and 'gene'
##' @slot gsid2name data.frame with two columns of 'gsid' and 'name'
##' @slot gene2name data.frame with two columns of 'gene' and 'name'
##' @slot species species of the annotation
##' @slot gsname gene set name, e.g., GO, KEGG
##' @slot version version of the gene set
##' @slot accessed_date time to obtain the gene set data
##' @slot keytype keytype of genes
##' @slot info extra information
##' @exportClass GSON
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{https://yulab-smu.top}
##' @keywords classes
             gsid2gene = "data.frame",
             gsid2name = "data.frame_OR_NULL",
             gene2name = "data.frame_OR_NULL",
             species =  "character_OR_NULL",
             gsname = "character_OR_NULL",
             version = "character_OR_NULL",
             accessed_date =  "character_OR_NULL",
             keytype =  "character_OR_NULL",
             info = "character_OR_NULL"    
             gsid2name = NULL,
             gene2name = NULL,
             species =  NULL,
             gsname = NULL,
             version = NULL,
             accessed_date = NULL,
             keytype = NULL,
             info = NULL         

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gson documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:47 p.m.