
Defines functions adjust_speed

Documented in adjust_speed

#' @title Adjust the speeds of a gps-like table created with \code{\link{gtfs2gps}} 
#' @description Some GTFS.zip data sets might have quality issues, for example 
#' by assuming that a trip speed is unreasonably high (e.g. an urban bus running
#' over 100 Km/h), or in other cases the `timestamp` information might be
#' missing for some route segments. This can lead a gps-like table to have `NA`
#' or unrealistic `speed` and `timestamp` values. This function allows the
#' user to adjust the speed of trips and updates `timestamp` values 
#' accordingly. The user can adjust the problematic speeds by either setting a
#' custom constant value, or by considering the average of all valid trips speed
#' (Default). The columns `timestamp` and `cumtime` are updated accordingly.
#' @param gps_data A GPS-like data.table created with \code{\link{gtfs2gps}}.
#' @param min_speed Minimum speed to be considered as valid. It can
#' be a numeric (in km/h) or a units value able to be converted to km/h. Values 
#' below minimum speed will be adjusted. Defaults to 2 km/h.
#' @param max_speed Maximum speed to be considered as valid. It can
#' be a numeric (in km/h) or a units value able to be converted to km/h. Values
#' above maximum speed will be adjusted. Defaults to 80 km/h.
#' @param new_speed Speed to replace missing values as well as values
#' outside min_speed and max_speed range. It can
#' be a numeric (in km/h) or a units value able to be converted to km/h.
#' By default, `new_speed = NULL` and the
#' function considers the average speed of the entire gps data.
#' @param clone Use a copy of the gps_data? Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A GPS-like data with adjusted `speed` values. The columns
#' `timestamp` and `cumtime` are also updated accordingly.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' poa <- read_gtfs(system.file("extdata/poa.zip", package="gtfs2gps")) %>%
#'   gtfstools::filter_by_shape_id("T2-1") %>%
#'   gtfstools::filter_by_weekday(c("monday", "wednesday")) %>%
#'   filter_single_trip()
#' poa_gps <- gtfs2gps(poa)
#' poa_gps_new <- adjust_speed(poa_gps)
adjust_speed <- function(gps_data, min_speed = 2, max_speed = 80, new_speed = NULL, clone = TRUE){
  if(clone) gps_data <- data.table::copy(gps_data)
  max_speed <- units::set_units(max_speed, "km/h") %>% 
    units::set_units("m/s") %>%
  min_speed <- units::set_units(min_speed, "km/h") %>%
    units::set_units("m/s") %>%
  gps_data[, speed := units::drop_units(units::set_units(speed, "m/s"))]
  gps_data[speed == "Inf" | is.na(speed) | is.nan(speed), speed := NA]
  gps_data[,stopped_bus := data.table::fifelse(!is.na(stop_sequence) 
                                               & round(as.numeric(dist)) == 0
                                               & !is.na(speed),
  gps_data[!stopped_bus & 
             !data.table::between(x = speed
                                  , lower = min_speed
                                  , upper = max_speed), speed := NA]
    new_speed <- weighted.mean(x = gps_data[stopped_bus == FALSE,speed]
                               ,w = gps_data[stopped_bus == FALSE,as.numeric(dist)]
    new_speed <- units::set_units(new_speed, "km/h") %>%
    units::set_units("m/s") %>%
  gps_data[, dist := units::drop_units(dist)]
  gps_data[, cumdist := units::drop_units(cumdist)]
  gps_data[, cumtime := units::drop_units(cumtime)]
  gps_data[is.na(speed) & stopped_bus == FALSE, speed := new_speed]
  gps_data[, time := dist / speed]
  gps_data[, cumtime := cumsum(time), by = .(shape_id, trip_id, trip_number)]
  gps_data <- lapply(unique(gps_data$shape_id), function(i){
    tmp_gps_data <- gps_data[shape_id == i, ]
    if(nrow(tmp_gps_data[!is.na(timestamp)]) < 2){
      message(paste0("timestamp column of shape_id ", i, " was not adjusted as there are less than two timestamp's."))
    id_first <- which(!is.na(tmp_gps_data$timestamp))[1]
    if(length(id_first) == 0){
      message(paste0("timestamp column of shape_id ", i, " was not adjusted as there is no valid timestamp's."))
    else if(id_first == 1){
                   timestamp := round(timestamp[1] + cumtime),
                   by = .(trip_id, trip_number)]
      # before the first valid observation
                   timestamp := round(timestamp[id_first] - cumtime),
                   by = .(trip_id, trip_number)]
      # after the first valid observation
                   timestamp := round(timestamp[id_first] + cumtime),
                   by = .(trip_id, trip_number)]
    # midnight trips fix
    tmp_gps_data[as.numeric(timestamp) > 86400, timestamp := timestamp - 86400]
  }) %>% data.table::rbindlist()
  gps_data[, speed := units::set_units(units::set_units(speed, "m/s"), "km/h")]
  gps_data[, dist := units::set_units(dist, "m")]
  gps_data[, cumdist := units::set_units(cumdist, "m")]
  gps_data[, time := units::set_units(time, "s")]
  gps_data[, cumtime := units::set_units(cumtime, "s")]
  gps_data[, timestamp := data.table::as.ITime(timestamp)]
  gps_data[,stopped_bus := NULL]

Try the gtfs2gps package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gtfs2gps documentation built on April 29, 2023, 1:12 a.m.