
Defines functions residualNMF

Documented in residualNMF

# Project: hNMF_git
# Author: nsauwen

#' Computation of relative NMF residual per observation
#' @param X Input data matrix, each column represents one observation 
#' @param nmfFit NMF model fitted to the input data in X
#' @return Relative residual per observation, returned as a vector
#' @author nsauwen
#' @importFrom NMF basis coef
#' @export
residualNMF <- function(X, nmfFit) {
	H <- NMF::coef(nmfFit)
	W <- NMF::basis(nmfFit)
	residuMat <- X-W%*%H
	absRes <- apply(residuMat^2, 2, sum)
	absX <- apply(X^2, 2, sum)
	relRes <- absRes/absX

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hNMF documentation built on Jan. 8, 2021, 5:42 p.m.