Man pages for hamlet
Hierarchical Optimal Matching and Machine Learning Toolbox

extendsymrangeExtend range of variable limits while retaining a point of...
hamlet-packageHierarchical Optimal Matching and Machine Learning Toolbox
hmapPlot-region based heatmap
hmap.annotateAdd a row and column annotations to a plot-region based...
hmap.keyAdd a color key to a plot-region based heatmap built with...
match.allocateAllocation of matched units to intervention arms
match.bbBranch and Bound algorithm implementation for performing...
match.dummyCreate dummy individuals or sinks to a data matrix or a...
match.gaNon-bipartite matching using the Genetic Algorithm (GA)
match.mat2vecTransform a binary matching matrix to a matching vector
match.vec2matTransform a matching vector to a binary matching matrix
mem.getcompExtract per-observation components for fixed and random...
mem.plotranPlot random effects histograms for a fitted mixed-effects...
mem.plotresidPlot residuals of a mixed-effects model along with trend...
mem.powersimuPower simulations for the fixed effects of a mixed-effects...
mix.binaryBinary coding of categorical variables
mix.funApply function to numerical columns of a mixed data.frame...
mixplotScatterplot for mixed type data
orxlongLong-format longitudinal data for the ORX study
orxwideWide-format baseline data for the ORX study
smartjitterSmart jittering function for deterministic shifting of...
vcaplongLong-format data of the Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer...
vcapwideWide-format data of the Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer...
hamlet documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:40 p.m.