Man pages for hdme
High-Dimensional Regression with Measurement Error

coef.corrected_lassoExtract Coefficients of a Corrected Lasso object
coef.gdsExtract Coefficients of a Generalized Dantzig Selector Object
coef.gmu_lassoExtract Coefficients of a GMU Lasso object
coef.gmusExtract Coefficients of a GMUS object
corrected_lassoCorrected Lasso
cv_corrected_lassoCross-validated Corrected lasso
cv_gdsCross-Validated Generalized Dantzig Selector
gdsGeneralized Dantzig Selector
gmu_lassoGeneralized Matrix Uncertainty Lasso
gmusGeneralized Matrix Uncertainty Selector
musMatrix Uncertainty Selector
musalgorithmAlgorithm for mus
mus_glmGeneralized Matrix Uncertainty Selector for logistic...
plot.gdsPlot the estimates returned by gds
plot.gmu_lassoPlot the estimates returned by gmu_lasso
plot.gmusPlot the estimates returned by gmus and mus
print.corrected_lassoPrint a Corrected Lasso object
print.cv_corrected_lassoPrint a Cross-Validated Corrected Lasso object
print.cv_gdsPrint a Cross-Validated GDS Object
print.gdsPrint a Generalized Dantzig Selector Object
print.gmu_lassoPrint a GMU Lasso object
print.gmusPrint a GMUS object
hdme documentation built on May 31, 2023, 5:44 p.m.