
Defines functions getInitialPosition drawLaplaceMomentum getZigzagSample

Documented in getInitialPosition getZigzagSample

#' Draw one MTN sample with Zigzag-HMC or Zigzag-NUTS
#' Simulate the Zigzag-HMC or Zigzag-NUTS dynamics on a given MTN.
#' @param position a d-dimensional initial position vector.
#' @param momentum a d-dimensional initial momentum vector.
#' @param nutsFlg logical. If `TRUE` the No-U-Turn sampler will be used (Zigzag-NUTS).
#' @param engine list. Its `engine` element is a pointer to the Zigzag-HMC engine
#' (or Zigzag-NUTS engine) C++ object that implements fast computations for
#' Zigzag-HMC (or Zigzag-NUTS).
#' @param stepZZHMC step size for Zigzag-HMC. If `nutsFlg = TRUE`, `engine` contains
#' the base step size for Zigzag-NUTS).
#' @return one MCMC sample from the target MTN.
#' @export
#' @note `getZigzagSample` is particularly efficient when the target MTN has a random
#' mean and covariance/precision where one can reuse the Zigzag-HMC engine object while
#' updating the mean and covariance. The following example demonstrates such a use.

#' @examples 
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 1000
#' d <- 10
#' samples <- array(0, c(n, d))
#' # initialize MTN mean and precision
#' m <- rnorm(d, 0, 1)
#' prec <- rWishart(n = 1, df = d, Sigma = diag(d))[, , 1]
#' # call createEngine once
#'engine <- createEngine(dimension = d, lowerBounds = rep(0, d),
#'  upperBounds = rep(Inf, d), seed = 1, mean = m, precision = prec)
#' HZZtime <- sqrt(2) / sqrt(min(mgcv::slanczos(
#'  A = prec, k = 1,
#'  kl = 1
#' )[['values']]))
#' currentSample <- rep(0.1, d)
#' for (i in 1:n) {
#'   m <- rnorm(d, 0, 1)
#'   prec <- rWishart(n = 1, df = d, Sigma = diag(d))[,,1]
#'   setMean(sexp = engine$engine, mean = m)
#'   setPrecision(sexp = engine$engine, precision = prec)
#'   currentSample <- getZigzagSample(position = currentSample, nutsFlg = FALSE,
#'       engine = engine, stepZZHMC = HZZtime)
#'   samples[i,] <- currentSample
getZigzagSample <- function(position,
                            momentum = NULL,
                            stepZZHMC = NULL) {
  if (is.null(momentum)) {
    momentum <- drawLaplaceMomentum(length(position))
  if (nutsFlg) {
    res <- .oneNutsIteration(sexp = engine$engine,
                             position = position,
                             momentum = momentum)
  } else {
    res <- .oneIteration(
      sexp = engine$engine,
      position = position,
      momentum = momentum,
      time = stepZZHMC

# ' Draw a random Laplace momentum
# '
# ' Generate a d-dimensional momentum where the density of each element is proportional to exp(-|pi|).  
# ' 
# ' @param d dimension of the momentum.
# '
# ' @return a d-dimensional Laplace-distributed momentum.
drawLaplaceMomentum <- function(d) {
  return((2 * (stats::runif(d) > .5) - 1) * stats::rexp(d, rate = 1))

#' Get an eligible initial value for a MTN with given mean and truncations
#' For a given MTN the function returns an initial vector whose elements are one of:
#' (1) middle point of the truncation interval if both lower and upper bounds are
#' finite (2) lower (upper) bound +0.1 (-0.1) if only the lower (upper) bound is finite
#' (3) the corresponding mean value if lower bound = `-Inf` are upper bound = `Inf`.
#' @param mean a d-dimensional mean vector.
#' @param lowerBounds a d-dimensional vector specifying the lower bounds.
#' @param upperBounds a d-dimensional vector specifying the lower bounds.
#' @return an eligible d-dimensional initial vector.
#' @export
getInitialPosition <- function(mean, lowerBounds, upperBounds) {
  bL <- upperBounds - lowerBounds
  midPoint <- (upperBounds + lowerBounds) / 2
  x <- mean
  x[is.finite(bL)] = midPoint[is.finite(bL)]
  x[is.infinite(bL) &
      is.finite(lowerBounds)] = lowerBounds[is.infinite(bL) &
                                              is.finite(lowerBounds)] + 0.1
  x[is.infinite(bL) &
      is.finite(upperBounds)] = upperBounds[is.infinite(bL) &
                                              is.finite(upperBounds)] - 0.1

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hdtg documentation built on Aug. 7, 2022, 1:06 a.m.