ts_feature_cluster: Time Series Feature Clustering

View source: R/ts-feature-cluster-tbl.R

ts_feature_clusterR Documentation

Time Series Feature Clustering


This function returns an output list of data and plots that come from using the K-Means clustering algorithm on a time series data.


  .features = c("frequency", "entropy", "acf_features"),
  .scale = TRUE,
  .prefix = "ts_",
  .centers = 3



The data passed must be a data.frame/tibble only.


The date column.


The column that holds the value of the time series where you want the features and clustering performed on.


This is where you can place grouping variables that are passed off to dplyr::group_by()


This is a quoted string vector using c() of features that you would like to pass. You can pass any feature you make or those from the tsfeatures package.


If TRUE, time series are scaled to mean 0 and sd 1 before features are computed


A prefix to prefix the feature columns. Default: "ts_"


An integer of how many different centers you would like to generate. The default is 3.


This function will return a list object output. The function itself requires that a time series tibble/data.frame get passed to it, along with the .date_col, the .value_col and a period of data. It uses the underlying function timetk::tk_tsfeatures() and takes the output of that and performs a clustering analysis using the K-Means algorithm.

The function has a parameter of .features which can take any of the features listed in the tsfeatures package by Rob Hyndman. You can also create custom functions in the .GlobalEnviron and it will take them as quoted arguments.

So you can make a function as follows

my_mean <- function(x){return(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))}

You can then call this by using .features = c("my_mean").

The output of this function includes the following:

Data Section

  • ts_feature_tbl

  • user_item_matrix_tbl

  • mapped_tbl

  • scree_data_tbl

  • input_data_tbl (the original data)


  • static_plot

  • plotly_plot


A list output


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH

See Also


Other Clustering: ts_feature_cluster_plot()



data_tbl <- ts_to_tbl(AirPassengers) %>%
  mutate(group_id = rep(1:12, 12))

  .data = data_tbl,
  .date_col = date_col,
  .value_col = value,
  .features = c("acf_features","entropy"),
  .scale = TRUE,
  .prefix = "ts_",
  .centers = 3

healthyR.ts documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 9:07 a.m.