Man pages for hero
Spatio-Temporal (Hero) Sandwich Smoother

adjacentDetermine adjacent points
assembleAssemble spline ingredients for sandwich smooth
as.starrayConvert array to 'starray'
as.stsConvert object to 'sts' class
border.gridConstruct border for grid
bsplineB-spline specification
circulateCirculate values of a vector
connectConnect 'hero_radsplines'
create.prepared_listManually create a 'prepared_list'
default.evalargsConstruct default 'evalargs'
default.splinesConstruct default splines
diffpenP-spline difference penalty
enhanceEnhance penalty value
enhance.gridEnhance penalty value using grid search
enlargeEnlarge spatial domain
generate.data2dGenerate 2d data
generate.data3dGenerate 3d data
heroConstruct a hero sandwich smoother
knot.designDesign knot/breakpoint spacing
kronecker.seqA sequence of kronecker products
loglambda2gcvDetermine GCV statistic
ludataData for f1 function from Lu et al. (2012)
plot.heroPlot a 'hero' object
plot.hero_adjacentPlot a 'hero_adjacent' object
plot.hero_bsplinePlot a 'hero_bspline' object
plot.hero_enlargePlot a 'hero_enlarge' object
plot.hero_radsplinePlot a 'hero_radspline'
poly2SpatialPolygonsConvert simple polygon to a 'SpatialPolygons' object
precomputePrecompute objects
predict.heroPredict method for 'hero' object
predict.hero_bsplinePredict method for 'hero_bspline' object
predict.hero_radsplinePredict method for a 'hero_radspline'
preparePrepare data for sandwich smooth
prepare.arrayPrepare data array for sandwich smooth
prepare.listPrepare data array for sandwich smooth
prepare.matrixPrepare data matrix for sandwich smooth
prepare.numericPrepare data vector for sandwich smooth
prepare_sequentialSequentially prepare data for sandwich smooth
prepare.starrayPrepare 'starray' for sandwich smooth
prepare.stsPrepare 'starray' for sandwich smooth
radsplineRadial basis spline specification
rhRotated H-transform
rh.seqApply 'rh' sequentially
spdiffpenSpatial difference penalty
tasmaxComputer-generated temperature data
wrfg_cgcm3_tasmaxComputer-generated temperature data
hero documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:11 p.m.