
Defines functions partial_d_k_Matern3_2_dX_i_j partial_d_C_Matern3_2_dX_i_j partial_d_kg_Matern3_2_d_k_theta_g partial_d_Cg_Matern3_2_d_k_theta_g partial_d_k_Matern3_2_dtheta_k partial_d_C_Matern3_2_dtheta_k cov_Matern3_2 partial_d_k_Matern5_2_dX_i_j partial_d_C_Matern5_2_dX_i_j partial_d_kg_Matern5_2_d_k_theta_g partial_d_Cg_Matern5_2_d_k_theta_g partial_d_k_Matern5_2_dtheta_k partial_d_C_Matern5_2_dtheta_k cov_Matern5_2 partial_d_k_Gaussian_dX_i_j partial_d_C_Gaussian_dX_i_j partial_d_kg_Gaussian_d_k_theta_g partial_d_Cg_Gaussian_d_k_theta_g partial_d_k_Gaussian_dtheta_k partial_d_C_Gaussian_dtheta_k cov_Gaussian partial_cov_gen cov_gen

Documented in cov_gen

### Covariance functions and their derivatives
### Alternatives so far: Squared-exponential and Matern with nu = 5/2 and 3/2

### 0) Generic covariance function

#' Correlation function of selected type, supporting both isotropic and product forms
#' @param X1 matrix of design locations, one point per row
#' @param X2 matrix of design locations if correlation is calculated between \code{X1} and \code{X2} (otherwise calculated between \code{X1} and itself)
#' @param theta vector of lengthscale parameters (either of size one if isotropic or of size d if anisotropic)
#' @param type one of "\code{Gaussian}", "\code{Matern5_2}", "\code{Matern3_2}"
#' @export
#' @details 
#' Definition of univariate correlation function and hyperparameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "\code{Gaussian}": \eqn{c(x, y) = exp(-(x-y)^2/theta)}
#' \item "\code{Matern5_2}": \eqn{c(x, y) = (1+sqrt(5)/theta * abs(x-y) + 5/(3*theta^2)(x-y)^2) * exp(-sqrt(5)*abs(x-y)/theta)}
#' \item "\code{Matern3_2}": \eqn{c(x, y) = (1+sqrt(3)/theta * abs(x-y)) * exp(-sqrt(3)*abs(x-y)/theta)}
#' }
#' Multivariate correlations are product of univariate ones.
#' @useDynLib hetGP, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom  Rcpp evalCpp
cov_gen <- function(X1, X2 = NULL, theta, type = c("Gaussian", "Matern5_2", "Matern3_2")){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(type == "Gaussian")
    return(cov_Gaussian(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta))
  if(type == "Matern5_2")
    return(cov_Matern5_2(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta))
  if(type == "Matern3_2")
    return(cov_Matern3_2(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta))

# ' Partial derivative of covariance function
# ' @details for compatibility and efficiency, the results is to be multiplied by the matrix it is derived from
# ' @param X1 matrix of design locations
# ' @param X2 matrix of design locations if covariance is calculated between X1 and X2
# ' @param theta vector of lengthscale parameters (either of size one if isotropic or of size d if anisotropic)
# ' @param type one of "Gaussian", "Matern5_2"
# ' @param arg argument corresponding to the required partial derivative: "theta_k", "k_theta_g", "X_i_j"
# ' @param ... additional arguments to be passed for the derivative computation
# ' @export
# ' @noRd
# ' @examples
# ' # Test gradients
# ' library(hetGP)
# ' d <- 3
# ' X <- matrix(runif(4*d), 4, d)
# ' theta <- runif(d) + 0.2
# ' type <- 'Matern3_2'
# ' K <- cov_gen(X, theta= theta, type = type)
# ' 
# ' hetGP:::partial_cov_gen(X1 = X[,1,drop = F], theta = theta[1], type = type, arg = "theta_k")*K
# ' 1e4 * (cov_gen(X1 = X, theta = theta + c(1e-4, 0, 0), type = type) - cov_gen(X1 = X, theta = theta, type = type))
# ' 
# ' hetGP:::partial_cov_gen(X1 = X[,2,drop = F], theta = theta[2], type = type, arg = "theta_k")*K
# ' 1e4 * (cov_gen(X1 = X, theta = theta + c(0, 1e-4, 0), type = type) - cov_gen(X1 = X, theta = theta, type = type))
# ' 
# ' hetGP:::partial_cov_gen(X1 = X[,3,drop = F], theta = theta[3], type = type, arg = "theta_k")*K
# ' 1e4 * (cov_gen(X1 = X, theta = theta + c(0, 0, 1e-4), type = type) - cov_gen(X1 = X, theta = theta, type = type))
# '
# ' # cross matrix case
# ' Y <- matrix(runif(6*d), 6, d)
# ' K <- cov_gen(X, Y, theta= theta, type = type)
# ' 
# ' hetGP:::partial_cov_gen(X1 = X[,1,drop = F], X2 = Y[,1,drop = F], theta = theta[1], type = type, arg = "theta_k")*K
# ' 1e4 * (cov_gen(X1 = X, X2 = Y, theta = theta + c(1e-4, 0, 0), type = type) - cov_gen(X1 = X, X2 = Y, theta = theta, type = type))
# ' 
# ' hetGP:::partial_cov_gen(X1 = X[,2,drop = F], X2 = Y[,2,drop = F], theta = theta[2], type = type, arg = "theta_k")*K
# ' 1e4 * (cov_gen(X1 = X, X2 = Y, theta = theta + c(0, 1e-4, 0), type = type) - cov_gen(X1 = X, X2 = Y, theta = theta, type = type))
# ' 
# ' hetGP:::partial_cov_gen(X1 = X[,3,drop = F], X2 = Y[,3,drop = F], theta = theta[3], type = type, arg = "theta_k")*K
# ' 1e4 * (cov_gen(X1 = X, X2 = Y, theta = theta + c(0, 0, 1e-4), type = type) - cov_gen(X1 = X, X2 = Y, theta = theta, type = type))

partial_cov_gen <- function(X1, theta, type = "Gaussian", arg, ..., X2 = NULL){
    if(type == "Gaussian"){
      if(arg == "theta_k")
        return(partial_d_C_Gaussian_dtheta_k(X1 = X1, theta = theta, ...))
      if(arg == "k_theta_g")
        return(partial_d_Cg_Gaussian_d_k_theta_g(X1 = X1, theta = theta, ... ))
      if(arg == "X_i_j")
        return(partial_d_C_Gaussian_dX_i_j(X1 = X1, theta = theta, ... ))
    if(type == "Matern5_2"){
      if(arg == "theta_k")
        return(partial_d_C_Matern5_2_dtheta_k(X1 = X1, theta = theta, ...))
      if(arg == "k_theta_g")
        return(partial_d_Cg_Matern5_2_d_k_theta_g(X1 = X1, theta = theta, ... ))
      if(arg == "X_i_j")
        return(partial_d_C_Matern5_2_dX_i_j(X1 = X1, theta = theta, ... ))
    if(type == "Matern3_2"){
      if(arg == "theta_k")
        return(partial_d_C_Matern3_2_dtheta_k(X1 = X1, theta = theta, ...))
      if(arg == "k_theta_g")
        return(partial_d_Cg_Matern3_2_d_k_theta_g(X1 = X1, theta = theta, ... ))
      if(arg == "X_i_j")
        return(partial_d_C_Matern3_2_dX_i_j(X1 = X1, theta = theta, ... ))
    if(type == "Gaussian"){
      if(arg == "theta_k")
        return(partial_d_k_Gaussian_dtheta_k(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta, ...))
      if(arg == "k_theta_g")
        return(partial_d_kg_Gaussian_d_k_theta_g(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta, ... ))
      if(arg == "X_i_j")
        return(partial_d_k_Gaussian_dX_i_j(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta, ... ))
    if(type == "Matern5_2"){
      if(arg == "theta_k")
        return(partial_d_k_Matern5_2_dtheta_k(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta, ...))
      if(arg == "k_theta_g")
        return(partial_d_kg_Matern5_2_d_k_theta_g(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta, ... ))
      if(arg == "X_i_j")
        return(partial_d_k_Matern5_2_dX_i_j(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta, ... ))
    if(type == "Matern3_2"){
      if(arg == "theta_k")
        return(partial_d_k_Matern3_2_dtheta_k(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta, ...))
      if(arg == "k_theta_g")
        return(partial_d_kg_Matern3_2_d_k_theta_g(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta, ... ))
      if(arg == "X_i_j")
        return(partial_d_k_Matern3_2_dX_i_j(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta, ... ))

### A) Gaussian covariance

## Gaussian covariance function : K = exp(-(X1 - X2)^2/theta)
## @param X1 matrix of design locations
## @param X2 matrix of design locations if covariance is calculated between X1 and X2
## @param theta vector of lengthscale parameters (either of size one if isotropic or of size d if anisotropic)
cov_Gaussian <- function(X1, X2 = NULL, theta){
  if(length(theta) == 1){
    return(exp(-distance_cpp(X1, X2)/theta))
    return(exp(-distance_cpp(X1 * rep(1/sqrt(theta), rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))))))
  return(exp(-distance_cpp(X1 * rep(1/sqrt(theta), rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))), X2 * rep(1/sqrt(theta), rep(nrow(X2),length(theta))))))

## Partial derivative of the covariance matrix with respect to theta[k] (to be multiplied by the covariance matrix)
partial_d_C_Gaussian_dtheta_k <- function(X1, theta){

## Partial derivative of the covariance vector with respect to theta[k] (to be multiplied by the covariance vector)
partial_d_k_Gaussian_dtheta_k <- function(X1, X2, theta){
  return(distance_cpp(X1, X2)/theta^2)

## Partial derivative of the covariance matrix of the noise process with respect to k_theta_g (to be multiplied by the covariance matrix)
partial_d_Cg_Gaussian_d_k_theta_g <- function(X1, theta, k_theta_g){
  ## 1-dimensional/isotropic case
  if(length(theta) == 1)

  return(distance_cpp(X1 * rep(1/sqrt(theta), rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))))/k_theta_g^2)

## Partial derivative of the covariance vector of the noise process with respect to k_theta_g (to be multiplied by the covariance vector)
partial_d_kg_Gaussian_d_k_theta_g <- function(X1, X2, theta, k_theta_g){
  ## 1-dimensional/isotropic case
  if(length(theta) == 1)
    return(distance_cpp(X1, X2)/(theta*k_theta_g^2))

  return(distance_cpp(X1 * rep(1/sqrt(theta), rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))), X2 * rep(1/sqrt(theta), rep(nrow(X2),length(theta))))/k_theta_g^2)

## Derivative with respect to X[i,j]. Useful for pseudo inputs, to be multiplied by the covariance matrix
## @param i1 row
## @param i2 column
partial_d_C_Gaussian_dX_i_j <- function(X1, theta, i1, i2){
  tmp <- partial_d_dist_dX_i1_i2(X1, i1, i2)

  ## 1-dimensional/isotropic case
  if(length(theta) == 1)

  return(tmp / theta[i2])

## Derivative with respect to X[i,j]. Useful for pseudo inputs, to be multiplied by the covariance matrix
## @param i1 row
## @param i2 column
partial_d_k_Gaussian_dX_i_j <- function(X1, X2, theta, i1, i2){
  tmp <- partial_d_dist_dX1_i1_i2_X2(X1, X2, i1, i2)

  ## 1-dimensional/isotropic case
  if(length(theta) == 1)

  return(tmp / theta[i2])

### B) Matern 5/2 covariance

## Matern 5/2 covariance function (tensor product)
## @param X1 matrix of design locations
## @param X2 matrix of design locations if covariance is calculated between X1 and X2
## @param theta vector of lengthscale parameters (either of size one if isotropic or of size d if anisotropic)
cov_Matern5_2 <- function(X1, X2 = NULL, theta){
  if(length(theta) == 1){
      return(matern5_2_2args(X1/theta, X2/theta))
    return(matern5_2_1args(X1 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X1),length(theta)))))
    return(matern5_2_2args(X1 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))), X2 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X2),length(theta)))))

## Partial derivative of the covariance matrix with respect to theta[k] (to be multiplied by the covariance matrix)
partial_d_C_Matern5_2_dtheta_k <- function(X1, theta){
    if(ncol(X1) == 1){
      tmp <- d_matern5_2_1args_theta_k(X1 = X1, theta = theta)
      tmp <- d_matern5_2_1args_theta_k_iso(X1 = X1, theta = theta)

## Partial derivative of the covariance vector with respect to theta[k] (to be multiplied by the covariance vector)
partial_d_k_Matern5_2_dtheta_k <- function(X1, X2, theta){
    tmp <- d_matern5_2_2args_theta_k_iso(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta)

## Partial derivative of the covariance matrix of the noise process with respect to k_theta_g (to be multiplied by the covariance matrix)
partial_d_Cg_Matern5_2_d_k_theta_g <- function(X1, theta, k_theta_g){
  if(length(theta) == 1) return(d_matern5_2_1args_kthetag(X1/theta, k_theta_g))
  return(d_matern5_2_1args_kthetag(X1 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))), k_theta_g))

## Partial derivative of the covariance vector of the noise process with respect to k_theta_g (to be multiplied by the covariance vector)
partial_d_kg_Matern5_2_d_k_theta_g <- function(X1, X2, theta, k_theta_g){
  if(length(theta) == 1) return(d_matern5_2_2args_kthetag(X1/theta, X2/theta, k_theta_g))
  return(d_matern5_2_2args_kthetag(X1 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))), X2 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X2),length(theta))), k_theta_g))

## Derivative with respect to X[i,j]. Useful for pseudo inputs, to be multiplied by the covariance matrix
## @param i1 row
## @param i2 column
partial_d_C_Matern5_2_dX_i_j <- function(X1, theta, i1, i2){

  ## 1-dimensional/isotropic case
  if(length(theta) == 1){
    tmp <- partial_d_dist_abs_dX_i1_i2(X1/theta, i1, i2)

  tmp <- partial_d_dist_abs_dX_i1_i2(X1/theta[i2], i1, i2)
  return(tmp / theta[i2])

## Derivative with respect to X[i,j]. Useful for pseudo inputs, to be multiplied by the covariance matrix
## @param i1 row
## @param i2 column
## @param theta lengthscales
partial_d_k_Matern5_2_dX_i_j <- function(X1, X2, theta, i1, i2){

  ## 1-dimensional/isotropic case
  if(length(theta) == 1){
    tmp <- partial_d_dist_abs_dX1_i1_i2_X2(X1/theta, X2/theta, i1, i2)

  tmp <- partial_d_dist_abs_dX1_i1_i2_X2(X1/theta[i2], X2/theta[i2], i1, i2)
  return(tmp / theta[i2])

### C) Matern 3/2 covariance

## Matern 3/2 covariance function (tensor product)
## @param X1 matrix of design locations
## @param X2 matrix of design locations if covariance is calculated between X1 and X2
## @param theta vector of lengthscale parameters (either of size one if isotropic or of size d if anisotropic)
cov_Matern3_2 <- function(X1, X2 = NULL, theta){
  if(length(theta) == 1){
      return(matern3_2_2args(X1/theta, X2/theta))
    return(matern3_2_1args(X1 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X1),length(theta)))))
    return(matern3_2_2args(X1 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))), X2 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X2),length(theta)))))

## Partial derivative of the covariance matrix with respect to theta[k] (to be multiplied by the covariance matrix) 
partial_d_C_Matern3_2_dtheta_k <- function(X1, theta){
  if(ncol(X1) == 1) return(d_matern3_2_1args_theta_k(X1 = X1, theta = theta))
  return(d_matern3_2_1args_theta_k_iso(X1 = X1, theta = theta))

## Partial derivative of the covariance vector with respect to theta[k] (to be multiplied by the covariance vector)
partial_d_k_Matern3_2_dtheta_k <- function(X1, X2, theta){
  tmp <- d_matern3_2_2args_theta_k_iso(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, theta = theta)

## Partial derivative of the covariance matrix of the noise process with respect to k_theta_g (to be multiplied by the covariance matrix)
partial_d_Cg_Matern3_2_d_k_theta_g <- function(X1, theta, k_theta_g){
  if(length(theta) == 1) return(d_matern3_2_1args_kthetag(X1/theta, k_theta_g))
  return(d_matern3_2_1args_kthetag(X1 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))), k_theta_g))

## Partial derivative of the covariance vector of the noise process with respect to k_theta_g (to be multiplied by the covariance vector)
partial_d_kg_Matern3_2_d_k_theta_g <- function(X1, X2, theta, k_theta_g){
  if(length(theta) == 1) return(d_matern3_2_2args_kthetag(X1/theta, X2/theta, k_theta_g))
  return(d_matern3_2_2args_kthetag(X1 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X1),length(theta))), X2 * rep(1/theta, rep(nrow(X2),length(theta))), k_theta_g))

## Derivative with respect to X[i,j]. Useful for pseudo inputs, to be multiplied by the covariance matrix
## @param i1 row
## @param i2 column
partial_d_C_Matern3_2_dX_i_j <- function(X1, theta, i1, i2){
  ## 1-dimensional/isotropic case
  if(length(theta) == 1){
    tmp <- partial_d_dist_abs_dX_i1_i2_m32(X1/theta, i1, i2)
  tmp <- partial_d_dist_abs_dX_i1_i2_m32(X1/theta[i2], i1, i2)
  return(tmp / theta[i2])

## Derivative with respect to X[i,j]. Useful for pseudo inputs, to be multiplied by the covariance matrix
## @param i1 row
## @param i2 column
## @param theta lengthscales
partial_d_k_Matern3_2_dX_i_j <- function(X1, X2, theta, i1, i2){
  ## 1-dimensional/isotropic case
  if(length(theta) == 1){
    tmp <- partial_d_dist_abs_dX1_i1_i2_X2_m32(X1/theta, X2/theta, i1, i2)
  tmp <- partial_d_dist_abs_dX1_i1_i2_X2_m32(X1/theta[i2], X2/theta[i2], i1, i2)
  return(tmp / theta[i2])

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hetGP documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:56 p.m.