hhcartr: An implementation of HHCART(G) - A reflected feature space for CART

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
fig_nums <- captioner(prefix = "Figure")
fig_nums("figure1", "__View Sample Output__. Use the View command to navigate the tree objects returned by the __fit()__ command.")
fig_nums("figure2", "The householder matrix.")

table_nums <- captioner(prefix = "Table")
table_nums("table1", "Default parameters for model HHDecisionTreeClassifier.")
table_nums("table2", "Overview of the datasets used by @Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2019 used in the experiments detailed below. They have all been downloaded from the UCI repository [@Newman+Asuncion:2007].")
table_nums("table3", "Overview of the datasets from @Yang+Shen+Gao:2019 used in the experiments detailed below. They have all been downloaded from the UCI repository [@Newman+Asuncion:2007].")
table_nums("table4", "Default parameters for model HHDecisionTreeRegressor.")
table_nums("table5", "hhcartr: Tree Node variables and descriptions.")

hhcartr: An implementation of HHCART(G) - A reflected feature space for CART.

This vignette is intended to provide details of the functions and methods in the hhcartr package. The hhcartr programs build classification or regression models using the HHCART(G) algorithm [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2019] to induce oblique decision trees.

This vignette is divided into the following sections:

The HHCART(G) Algorithm

In this section, we will describe HHCART(G) [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2019] an oblique classification tree algorithm. But first, to place it in context we will review both the HHCART algorithm [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2015] and the Geometric decision tree (GDT) algorithm [@Manwani+Sastry:2011] as HHCART(G) uses a modified GDT angle bisector to define an alternative reflected feature space for the HHCART algorithm.


HHCART is a comprehensive extension of the work of @Robertson:2013, the HHCART algorithm finds oblique splits which can be linear combinations of both quantitative and qualitative features [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2015]. We will use a two-class classification problem to explain the concept of HHCART. Although we look at a two-class problem here, the algorithm does generalise to multi-class problems. To split a node, the author's approach is to find a separating hyperplane for each class and to examine the resulting orientation of each. This can be taken as the most stretched direction as represented by the dominant eigenvector from the covariance matrix for each class.

For a set of training examples, the estimated covariance matrix can be defined as follows. Let $x_{1}, x_{2},\dotsc, x_{n}$ be $p$ dimensional feature vectors, where $x_{i} = (x_{i1}, x_{i2},\dotsc, x_{ip})^{T}$ and $p$ the number of feature variables. The estimated covariance matrix can then be written as:

$$S = \frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_{i} - \bar{x})(x_{i} - \bar{x})^{T}$$ Where $\bar{x} = (\bar{x}{1}, \bar{x}{2},\dotsc, \bar{x}_{p})^{T}$ is a vector of feature column means and $n$, the number of training examples. Given there are two classes, two dominant eigenvectors, $d^{1}$ and $d^{2}$ can be found, one for each class.

A hyperplane, parallel to either $d^{1}$ or $d^{2}$ can be a candidate direction for a class separating hyperplane. If one of the eigenvectors, say $d^{1}$ is reflected such that it becomes parallel to one of the coordinate axes, $e_{1}$, then the orientation of the separating hyperplane will also be parallel to $e_{1}$ in the reflected space. The separating hyperplane can now be found by performing axis-parallel splits along the $e_{2}$ direction in the reflected space [@Wickramarachchi:2015].

Householder Reflection

The concept of the HHCART algorithm is reflecting the set of training examples using a householder matrix, which was used by @Robertson:2013 to induce space partitions. For a $p$-dimensional space, a householder matrix $H$ can be defined as follows:

Let $d^{1}$ be the normalised dominant eigenvector for the class $1$ training examples with $e_{1_{p\times 1}} = (1, 0, \dotsc, 0)^{T}$ a basis vector. Both vectors, $d^{1}$ and $e_{1}$, will have the same norm. Then there exists an orthogonal symmetric matrix $H_{p\times p}$, with $p$ the number of features, such that:

\begin{align} e_{1} &= Hd^{1} \ \text{where } H &= I - 2uu^{T} (#eq:eqn1) \ \text{and } u &= \frac{e_{1} - d^{1}}{\lVert{e_{1} - d^{1}}\rVert_{2}} \ \end{align}

Construction of the householder matrix

This section will explain the construction of the householder matrix. Let $d^{1}$ be a vector to be reflected using the matrix $H$ such that $e_{1} = Hd^{1}$. Vectors $d^{1}$ and $e_{1}$ are shown in Figure \@ref(fig:geom1).


Vector $e_{1}$ can be written as the addition of two vectors, $e_{1} = d^{1} + \tilde{u}$, where $\tilde{u} = e_{1} - d^{1}$. From Figure \@ref(fig:geom1) as $e_{1}$ is the reflection of $d^{1}$, we can see that $AB = \lVert{d^{1}}\rVert \cos\theta$ and $AC = 2AB$. Therefore:

\begin{align} \tilde{u} &= 2\lVert{d^{1}}\rVert\frac{\tilde{u}}{\lVert{\tilde{u}}\rVert}\cos\theta \ \text{hence, } e_{1} &= d^{1} + 2\lVert{d^{1}}\rVert\frac{\tilde{u}}{\lVert{\tilde{u}}\rVert}\cos\theta \ \text{since, } d^{1} \tilde{u} &= \lVert{d^{1}}\rVert\lVert{\tilde{u}}\rVert\cos(\pi - \theta) \ \text{we have: } \cos\theta &= \frac{d^{1}\cdot\tilde{u}}{\lVert{d^{1}}\rVert\lVert{\tilde{u}}\rVert} \ \text{and } e_{1} &= d^{1} - 2\lVert{d^{1}}\rVert\frac{\tilde{u}}{\lVert{\tilde{u}}\rVert}\frac{d^{1}\cdot\tilde{u}}{\lVert{d^{1}}\rVert\lVert{\tilde{u}}\rVert} \ e_{1} &= d^{1} - 2\tilde{u}\frac{\tilde{u}^{T}d^{1}}{\lVert\tilde{u}\rVert_{2}} (#eq:eqn2) \end{align}

Since $\tilde{u} = e_{1} - d^{1}$, equation \@ref(eq:eqn1) gives $\tilde{u} = \lVert\tilde{u}\rVert u$. Therefore, substituting $\tilde{u}$ in equation \@ref(eq:eqn2) by $\lVert\tilde{u}\rVert u$ gives:

\begin{align} e_{1} &= (I - 2uu^{T})d^{1} \ \text{that is, } H &= I - 2uu^{T} \end{align}

Since the householder matrix, $H_{p\times p}$ is both symmetric and orthogonal, a point in the transformed space can be mapped back to the original space at minimal cost. Let $x$ be a point in the original space, if the transformed point is defined as $\hat{x} = Hx$, multiplying both sides by $H$ gives $H\hat{x} = HHx$. Since $H$ is orthogonal and symmetric, $H^{T} = H^{-1}$, therefore, $HH = I$, where $I$ is the identity matrix. Therefore, $H\hat{x} = x$.

The householder reflection

Denoting the full set of training examples as $\mathfrak{D}{n\times p}$, the reflected example set $\hat{\mathfrak{D}}{n\times p}$, is obtained by multiplying $\mathfrak{D}_{n\times p}$ by the householder matrix $H$.

$$\hat{\mathfrak{D}} = \mathfrak{D}H$$ The mechanism of the householder reflection is that it makes a vector $d^{1}$ parallel to $e_{1}$ by a reflection through the plane perpendicular to vector $e_{1} - d^{1}$. Where $d^{1}, i = 1,\dotsc,p$ is the $i^{th}$ component of $d$. The resulting householder matrix is given in r fig_nums("figure2", display = "cite"):

$$ H = \begin{bmatrix} d^1_1 & d^1_2 & d^1_3 & \dotsc & d^1_p \ d^1_2 & 1 - \frac{(d^1_2)^2}{1 - d^1_1} & \frac{-d^1_2 d^1_3}{1 - d^1_1} & \dotsc & \frac{-d^1_2 d^1_p}{1 - d^1_1} \ d^1_3 & \frac{-d^1_3 d^1_2}{1 - d^1_1} & 1 - \frac{(d^1_3)^2}{1 - d^1_1} & \dotsc & \frac{-d^1_3 d^1_p}{1 - d^1_1} \ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \ d^1_p & \frac{-d^1_p d^1_2}{1 - d^1_1} & \frac{-d^1_p d^1_3}{1 - d^1_1} & \dotsc & 1 - \frac{(d^1_p)^2}{1 - d^1_1} \end{bmatrix} $$ r fig_nums("figure2")

Each column of $H$ represents the direction of a coordinate axis in the reflected space. Axis-parallel splits are searched along these axes, the best split found will be oblique in the original feature space. HHCART, by using all possible eigenvectors for reflections creates an enriched axis-parallel search space, which in turn may offer up the opportunity to find better splits.

For a $p$-dimensional classification problem with $C$ classes, there will be $Cp$ eigenvectors to be considered for the householder reflection. This leads to an increase in the time complexity for tree induction but gives an opportunity to produce more accurate and compact trees.

In some instances, the orientation of an eigenvector may be parallel to a feature axis in the original feature space. When this happens, the householder transformation is not required, and hence, the best separating hyperplane is found by performing axis-parallel splits in the original space.

Householder reflection for multiclass problems

In the case of a multiclass classification problem, the HHCART algorithm works much in the same way as it does for a two-class problem. At a node, eigenvectors are computed for each class. For each eigenvector, a householder matrix is computed, and the reflection performed. Axis-parallel splits are then carried out in each of the reflected spaces, thereby making it possible to find the best split in a reflected space created from a non-dominant eigenvector.


Contrasting with other HHCART tree algorithms, the HHCART(G) algorithm considers only one reflected feature space when splitting nodes. Searching a single feature space ensures HHCART(G) is much less computationally expensive compared to other HHCART tree-based algorithms. For example, to split each node using the HHCART(D) algorithm, $C$ generalised eigenvalue problems need to be solved, as the training examples are reflected $C$ times and $Cp$ splitting dimensions need be searched to find the best split [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2015]. Contrast this with HHCART(G) where only one generalized eigenvalue problem need be solved, the training examples are reflected just the once, thus allowing the best split to be found after searching only $p$ splitting dimensions.

@Manwani+Sastry:2011 introduced the modified angle bisector which is used by HHCART(G) to define its reflected feature space. Returning to our two-class classification problem, with training examples, $\mathfrak{D}$:

$$\mathfrak{D} = {(x_{i}, y_{i}): x_{i}\in \Re^{p}, y_{i} \in {-1, 1} \text{ and } i = 1, 2,\dotsc, n}$$ At node t, let $A \in \Re^{n_{A\times p}}$ be a matrix containing training examples where $y_{i}=1$, and let $B \in \Re^{n_{B\times p}}$ be the matrix containing training examples where $y_{i} = -1$. Using a clustering hyperplane, one for each class, the angle bisectors can be defined using the form:

$$w^{T}x + b = 0 (#eq:eqn3)$$ Equation \@ref(eq:eqn3) can be written as $\tilde{w}^{T} + \bar{x}$, where $\tilde{w} = (w^{T}, b)^{T}$ and $\bar{x} = (x^{T}, 1)^{T}$. These clustering hyperplanes are chosen such that each hyperplane is closest to all points of one class and is farthest from all points of the other class [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2019]. Specifically, they are solutions to the following optimization problems:

\begin{align} \tilde{w}{1} &= argmax{\tilde{w}\neq 0} \frac{\tilde{w}^{T}M\tilde{w}}{\tilde{w}^{T}G\tilde{w}}\notag\ \text{and } \tilde{w}{2} &= argmin{\tilde{w}\neq 0} \frac{\tilde{w}^{T}M\tilde{w}}{\tilde{w}^{T}G\tilde{w}} (#eq:eqn4) \ \text{where } M &= \frac{1}{n_{B}}(B, \mathbb{1})^{T}(B, \mathbb{1}) \ \text{and } G &= \frac{1}{n_{A}}(A, \mathbb{1})^{T}(A, \mathbb{1}) \ \text{and } \mathbb{1} &= \text{a column vector of ones} \end{align}

If matrix $G$ has full column rank, the solution to these optimization problems can be calculated using an LU-decomposition method [@Golub+VanLoan:1996]. The solutions are the eigenvectors corresponding to the maximum and minimum eigenvalues from the following generalised eigenvalue problem [@Manwani+Sastry:2011].

$$M\tilde{w} = \lambda G\tilde{w} (#eq:eqn5)$$ @Manwani+Sastry:2011 have shown for any $\tilde{w}$ that is a local solution of the optimization problem given by equations \@ref(eq:eqn4) and \@ref(eq:eqn4) will satisfy equation \@ref(eq:eqn5), and the eigenvalue $\lambda$ gives the value of the corresponding objective function. Finding the clustering hyperplane parameters, $(w_{1}, b_{1})$ and $(w_{2}, b_{2})$ becomes a problem of finding eigenvectors corresponding to the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of the generalised eigenvalue problem of Eqn \@ref(eq:eqn5). If $\tilde{w}{1}$ is a solution to Eqn \@ref(eq:eqn5), $k\tilde{w}{1}$ will be a solution for any $k$. Choosing $k = \frac{1}{\lVert{w_{1}}\rVert}$ gives clustering hyperplanes $\tilde{w}{1} = (w{1}^{T}, b_{1})^{T}$ and $\tilde{w}{2} = (w{2}^{T}, b_{2})^{T}$ and are unit scaled such that $\lVert{w_{1}}\rVert = \lVert{w_{2}}\rVert = 1$. Upon finding the clustering hyperplanes, the hyperplane associated with the current node will be an angle bisector of this pair of hyperplanes. If $\tilde{w}{3}^{T}x + b{3} = 0$ and $\tilde{w}{4}^{T}x + b{4} = 0$ are the angle bisectors of $\tilde{w}{1}^{T}x + b = 0$ and $\tilde{w}{2}^{T}x + b = 0$, it can be shown when $w_{1} \neq w_{2}$ the clustering hyperplanes are given by:

$$\tilde{w}{3} = \tilde{w}{1} + \tilde{w}{2} (#eq:eqn6)$$ $$\tilde{w}{4} = \tilde{w}{1} - \tilde{w}{2} (#eq:eqn7)$$

In the case when $w_{1} = w_{2}$ the clustering hyperplanes are parallel, the chosen angle bisector will be midway between the two parallel hyperplanes:

$$\tilde{w}{3} = (\tilde{w}{1}^{T}, (b_{1} + b_{2})/2)^{T}
(#eq:eqn8)$$ The hyperplane Gini index is used to evaluate both hyperplanes at node $t$; it's defined as:

$$Gini(\tilde{w}) = 2L(1 - L_{A})L_{A} + 2(1 - L)(1 - R_{A})R_{A} (#eq:eqn9)$$ Where $L$ is the fraction of points at the left descendent node when using split $\tilde{w}$ and $L_{A}(R_{A})$ is the fraction of samples at the left(right) node from Matrix A. The angle bisector with the least impurity as measured by the Gini index is chosen to split the node [@Manwani+Sastry:2011]. The best angle bisector to split node $t$ is then used to define a reflected feature space; specifically, the training examples at node $t$ are reflected using the householder matrix so that the normal vector of the angle bisector $w$ is parallel to the first coordinate axis $e$.

Using the reflected training examples $\hat{D}^{t}$, we find the axis-parallel split $s^{t}$ that minimises the split Gini index:

\begin{align} Gini(\tilde{s}) = L \sum_{k=1}^{C} P_{lk}(1 - P_{lk}) + (1 - L) \sum_{k=1}^{C} P_{rk}(1 - P_{rk}) (#eq:eqn10) \end{align}

Where $L$ is the fraction of points that will go to the left descendent node after the split and $P_{lk}(P_{rk})$ is the fraction of points at the left(right) node from class $k$ [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2019].

An exhaustive search over all $p$ dimensions is performed to find the best split. This can be done quickly and efficiently as each dimension is independent and as such, can be treated separately, thereby making the search embarrassingly parallel [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2019]. The best axis-parallel split in the reflected feature space can be denoted $z_{j} \leq s^{t}$ (the $j^{th}$ coordinate direction in the reflected feature space). In the original feature space, this split is oblique and given by $h_{j}^{T}x \leq s^{t}$, where $h_{j}$ is the $j^{th}$ column of the householder matrix $H$.

This method is run recursively on all descendent nodes until no further splitting is possible or specific stopping conditions are satisfied. These stopping conditions relate to two user-specified parameters used by the HHCART(G) algorithm. Specifically, these are, n_min the minimum number of training examples, implemented in the hhcartr package as the n_min parameter and $\epsilon$, the minimum node impurity, the equivalent parameter in the hhcartr package is min_node_impurity. The default values as implemented in hhcartr are n_min = 2 and min_node_impurity = 0.2. In our experiments, we use ten-fold cross-validation to choose an appropriate value for $\epsilon$ as suggested by @Manwani+Sastry:2011.

During tree induction, if there are fewer than $n_{min}$ training examples at a node or if the node's Gini index is less than $\epsilon$, the node becomes a terminal or leaf node, the majority class becomes the class label for the node. In the event of a tie, the majority class is chosen at random from among the tied classes.

Small sample sizes

During tree induction, the number of training examples at each node reduces with each split, which can result in several issues as this number becomes small. The most apparent issue is one of computational cost; would an axis-parallel split be more efficient when the number of training examples is small? rather than creating and searching an oblique split? This cost is a common problem for any oblique decision tree, for instance, to address this issue in the OC1 algorithm, the authors @OC1:1993 only use oblique splits when the number of training examples at a node exceeds the number of feature variables by a factor of two.

Another issue that is less obvious and is wholly dependent upon the nature of the data in the training examples. A small number of training examples at a node can result in matrix $G$ becoming rank deficient and as such LU-decomposition will not work. In this case, @Manwani+Sastry:2011 address this issue by defining the angle bisector as the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of:

$$\tilde{M} = QQ^{T}MQQ^{T}$$

Where $Q$ is a matrix whose columns are an orthogonal basis for the $null(G)$. However, if $null(G) \in null(M)$, $\tilde{M}$ will be the zero matrix, and the method fails \citep{Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2019}. \cite{Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2015} provide a solution for this special case, they define $\tilde{w} = u + v$, where $u \in range(G)$ and $v \in null(G)$, then the left optimization in equation \@ref(eq:eqn4) [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2015] becomes:

\begin{align} \tilde{w}{1} &= argmax{\tilde{w}\neq 0} \frac{(u+v)^{T}M(u+v)}{(u+v)^{T}G(u+v)} \ &= argmax_{u \neq 0} \frac{u^{T}Mu}{u^{T}Gu} \end{align}

because $v \in null(G)$ with $null(G) \subseteq null(M)$ and values of $u$ giving $u^{T}Gu = 0$ are avoided. The right optimization in equation \@ref(eq:eqn4) is solved in similar fashion. Define $\tilde{w} = u + v$, where $u \in range(M)$ and $v \in null(M)$. Then, the right optimization in equation \@ref(eq:eqn4) \citep{Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2015} becomes:

\begin{align} \tilde{w}{2} &= argmax{\tilde{w}\neq 0} \frac{(u+v)^{T}G(u+v)}{(u+v)^{T}M(u+v)} \ &= argmax_{u \neq 0} \frac{u^{T}Gu}{u^{T}Mu} \end{align}

because $v \in null(M)$ with $null(m) \supseteq null(G)$ and values of $u$ giving $u^{T}Mu = 0$ are avoided. The angle bisectors $\tilde{w}{1}$ and $\tilde{w}{2}$ are calculated using \@ref(eq:eqn7), and the hyperplane with the lower hyperplane Gini index is chosen to split the node. If $\tilde{w}{1}$ and $\tilde{w}{2}$ are parallel, the angle bisector becomes \@ref(eq:eqn6).

Usage of hhcartr

We now demonstrate the use of hhcartr by illustrating the use of the HHDecisionTreeClassifier() function. We will use the supplied dataset hhcart_segment from hhcartr to ensure the examples are readily repeatable. See the help page of hhcartr in R for more details on the dataset. We begin by loading the required packages into R, assuming they have been installed (using install.packages()).


The first step is to load the dataset, then the feature variables (X) and target variable (y) can be initialised. In the case of the hhcart_segment dataset, the X variable is created from columns 2-20 from the original UCI dataset and y is created from column 1 of the same. The hhcart_segment dataset also provides it's own test dataset.

data("cancer", package = "hhcartr")
X         <- segment$X
y         <- segment$y
test_data <- segment$test_data

Once you have established the dataset, it is advisable to summarize the basic dataset information.


If is also useful to review the output of the summary(), head(), tail() and str() functions on the dataset but we will skip this here for the sake of brevity. Before building the model we need to prepare the training dataset, specifically identifying the variables to ignore in the modelling. Identifiers and any output variables should not be used (as independent variables) for modelling. In the case of datasets supplied with hhcartr all appropriate variables are assigned to the X and y objects of the dataset. Next we deal with missing values. Currently this implementation does not support data with missing values. In the supplied datasets with hhcartr there are no missing values. It is useful to review the distribution of the target variable.


Demonstrate Model HHDecisionTreeClassifier

We now instantiate the chosen model. The aim of the model is to predict the target based on all other variables.

model <- HHDecisionTree(n_folds=10, min_node_impurity = 0.22)

We use function setDataDescription() to provide the data source in all subsequent display command outputs. The dataDescription parameter of the model HHDecisionTreeClassifier() can also be used to provide a descriptive name for the data source.


We now set a seed so that the results can be replicated exactly.


We are now ready to train the model, initiate training by passing the feature variables (X object) and the target variable (y object) to the model fit() function.

model.output <- model$fit(X, y)

After the tree building process has completed, results detailing accuracy, the number of nodes and the number of leaves per tree can be displayed for each fold by using the results() function. The output of this function can also be saved in a variable for future processing such as plotting.

res <- results(model.output)

The accuracy() method of the results object can be used to display the accuracy, the number of nodes and the number of leaves per tree for each fold. These are saved in a list and are accessible for future plotting. The accuracy, the mean over all n_folds, reported here is the accuracy achieved on each folds test dataset,


The margin() method of the results object can be used to display the margin for each tree on each fold. @Breiman:2001 defines the margin for a random forest as:

$$mg(\underline{X}, Y) = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^{K} I(h_{K}(\underline{X}) = Y)}{K} - max_{j \neq Y} \left[ \frac{\sum_{k=1}^{K} I(h_{K}(\underline{X}) = j)}{K} \right]$$

Where $I(\cdot)$ is the indicator function, $h_{1},\dotsc, h_{K}(\underline{x})$ is a collection of classifiers, with $Y, \underline{X}$ a random vector sampled from the training data. The margin of a single tree is defined as the proportion of correctly classified samples minus the proportion of the most misclassified class. Thus for a single tree, the margin can be written as:

$$mg(\underline{X}, Y) = \frac{I(h_{K}(\underline{X}) = Y)}{K} - max_{j \neq Y} \left[ \frac{ I(h_{K}(\underline{X}) = j)}{K} \right]$$


The print() function is used to visualise training accuracy results on a histogram plot, the plot is rendered using ggplot2 [@ggplot2]. A 95% confidence interval about the mean is also displayed.


The standard predict() function is available to apply new data to the model. The Segmentation dataset provides a 2,100 sample test dataset. Here we apply this test dataset loaded previously (see above) to obtain the mean prediction accuracy for each fold. The object returned by the predict() function supports both an accuracy and predictions method.

preds <- predict(model.output, test_data = test_data)

The accuracy method returns a data frame containing the accuracy values for each fold, this object can be saved as a variable. The prediction accuracy returned is displayed as a percentage.


The predictions method returns a data frame containing the predictions for each row of the test_data object, each column provides the prediction for each fold for each respective row, this object can be saved as a variable. The options(max.print=50) limits the output display of predictions to the first few rows.


A single tree, or indeed all trees induced by the model can be visualized using the displayTree() function, it takes a single parameter n, the $n^{th}$ tree to display. The hhcartr package generates DOT [@Gansner+Koutsofios+North+Vo:1993] language statements to describe the structure of the selected tree, the DOT language statements are written to a temporary dataset and displayed using the grViz() function from the DiagrammeR package [@diagrammer].

outp <- displayTree(1)

We have a model that is close to 84.0% accurate on the unseen test dataset. In the invocations we have demonstrated above, all parameters except min_node_impurity use their default values.


The R package hhcartr supports the following models.


The hhcartr model HHDecisionTreeClassifier is used for classification problems. is used to induce regression trees.

When a HHDecisionTreeClassifier model is first instantiated the package checkmate [@checkmate] is used to parse all provided parameter values; the function will terminate with an appropriate error message on the first parameter to fail validation. Input is passed to the HHDecisionTreeClassifier model by way of feature variables (X) and target variable (y) as separate objects to the fit method. The feature variables (X) can be either a dataframe or a matrix of numeric data, categorical feature variables are not yet supported, whereas the target variable (y) must be of type factor. The model fit method will terminate with an appropriate error message if input type validation fails. The hhcartr package does not yet support NA’s in the input data.


The hhcartr model HHDecisionTreeRegressor is used to induce regression trees. These predict a real number rather than a class. Splits are looked for that minimise the prediction squared error, the prediction at each leaf node being the mean for that node. Internally the model uses parameter useIdentity=TRUE which forces all splits to be axis-parallel.

When a HHDecisionTreeRegressor model is first instantiated the package checkmate [@checkmate] is used to parse all provided parameter values; the function will terminate with an appropriate error message on the first parameter to fail validation. Input is passed to the HHDecisionTreeRegressor model by way of feature variables (X) and target variable (y) as separate objects to the fit method. The feature variables (X) can be either a dataframe or a matrix of numeric data, categorical feature variables are not yet supported, whereas the target variable (y) must be of type numeric. The model fit method will terminate with an appropriate error message if input type validation fails. The hhcartr package does not yet support NA’s in the input data.

Model Parameters

The following section describes the common model parameters i.e. parameters that can be specified for any of the hhcartr supported models, namely:

Common Model Parameters

The following parameters may be specified on any hhcartr model.

  1. n_min This parameter is used to stop splitting a node when a minimum number of samples at that node has been reached. The default value is 2.

  2. n_trees The number of trees to induce(grow) per fold or trial. The default value is 1.

  3. n_folds The n_folds parameter is used to specify the number of folds to use i.e. split the input data into n_folds equal amounts. For n_folds times, use one portion of the input data as a test dataset, and the remaining n_folds-1 portion as the training dataset. The model is then trained using these training and test datasets, once training is complete the next fold or portion of the input dataset is treated as the test dataset and the remainder the training dataset, the model is then trained again. This process is repeated until all portions or folds of the input dataset have been used as a test dataset. When n_folds=1 the testSize parameter determines the size of the test dataset. The default value is 5.

  4. testSize The testSize parameter determines how much of the input dataset is to reserved for use as an internal test dataset. The remainder is used as the training dataset. This parameter is only used when the parameter n_folds=1. For values of n_folds greater than one, the computed fold size will govern the test dataset size used (see the n_folds parameter for more details). The value can have a range of 0.0 to 1.0, the default value is 0.2.

  5. dataDescription The dataDescription parameter is a short description used to describe the dataset being modelled. It is used in output displays and plots as documentation. The default value is Unknown.

HHDecisionTreeClassifier Model Parameters

The model HHDecisionTreeClassifier model supports the common model parameters as described above, as well as the following model specific parameters (with default values).

  1. min_node_impurity Node splitting stops if the node impurity falls below this threshold. The node impurity is calculated using the hyperplane Gini index. The default value is 0.2.

  2. useIdentity The useIdentity parameter when set TRUE will direct hhcartr to transform the training data using the identity matrix (no actual transform takes place) prior to finding the optimal splits rather than using the householder transform to reflect the data. The default value is FALSE.

r table_nums("table1", display = "cite") provides a summary of the default parameters for model HHDecisionTreeClassifier.

| Parameter | Default value | |:----------------------|--------------:| | n_min | 2 | | min_node_impurity | 0.2 | | n_trees | 1 | | n_folds | 5 | | testSize | 0.2 | | useIdentity | FALSE | | dataDescription | Unknown |

Table: r table_nums("table1")

HHDecisionTreeRegressor Model Parameters

The model HHDecisionTreeRegressor model supports just the common model parameters as described above.

r table_nums("table4", display = "cite") provides a summary of the default parameters for model HHDecisionTreeClassifier.

| Parameter | Default value | |:----------------------|--------------:| | n_min | 2 | | n_trees | 1 | | n_folds | 5 | | testSize | 0.2 | | dataDescription | Unknown |

Table: r table_nums("table4")

General Commands

The following functions, demonstrated above, can be applied to all hhcartr models, fit(), results(), print(), and predict(). The results() function provides the accuracy() and margin() methods, the function predict() supports the accuracy() and predictions() methods. General functions setDataDescription() and displayTree() are also part of the hhcartr package. The HHDecisionTreeRegressor model does not yet support the margin() method.


As demonstrated above the print() function on the results from the HHDecisionTreeClassifier model returns the model accuracy, whereas for the HHDecisionTreeRegressor model the $r^{2}$ and root mean sqaure error (RMSE) are returned along with the number of nodes and the number of leaves for each tree.

The $r^{2}$ or coefficient of determination value is the ratio of explained variation over the total variation, it will have a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The $r^{2}$ value is computed as follows:

$$R^{2} \equiv 1 - \frac{SS_{res}}{SS_{tot}}$$


$$SS_{tot} = \sum_{i} (y_{i} - \overline{y})^{2}$$

$$SS_{res} = \sum_{i} (y_{i} - f_{i})^{2}$$

with: $\overline{y}$ = mean of observed data, and $f_{i}$ = predicted values.

Visualizing the Tree Structure

As the displayTree() function can be used to display the structure of an induced tree, R's View() function can be used to display the internal structure of all tree's returned by the fit() function. This internal tree structure is comprised of a binary tree of S3 objects, this structure can be accessed programmatically by the user.

hhcartr Supplied Datasets

The hhcartr package provides a number of datasets, the same as those used by the authors of the HHCART(G) package [@Wickramarachchi+Robertson+Reale+Price+Brown:2019] and includes several bench-mark datasets downloaded from the UCI Machine Learning Repository [@Newman+Asuncion:2007] as used by @Yang+Shen+Gao:2019. See the help page of hhcartr in R for a description of each dataset using the appropriate ? hhcartr dataset name command. r table_nums("table2", display = "cite") and r table_nums("table3", display = "cite") provide an overview of the datasets, with the size of the corresponding CSV (comma separated values) file of each. They also provide the name of the dataset as supplied in the hhcartr package.

Dataset | Features | Classes | Examples | hhcartr dataset name | :-------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:--------:|:---------------------|
Balance scale (BS) | 4 | 3 | 625 | hhcartr_balance | Boston housing (BH) | 13 | 2 | 506 | hhcartr_boston | Breast cancer (BC) | 9 | 2 | 638 | hhcartr_cancer | BUPA | 6 | 2 | 345 | hhcartr_bupa | Glass (GLS) | 9 | 7 | 214 | hhcartr_glass | Pima Indians (PIMA) | 8 | 2 | 768 | hhcartr_pima | Wine (WINE) | 13 | 3 | 178 | hhcartr_wine | Survival (SUR) | 3 | 2 | 306 | hhcartr_survival | Heart (HRT) | 13 | 2 | 270 | hhcartr_heart | Letter (LET) | 16 | 26 | 20,000 | hhcartr_letters |

Table: r table_nums("table2")

Dataset | Features | Classes | Examples | Test Examples | hhcartr dataset name | :------------------|:--------:|:-------:|:--------:|:-------------:|:---------------------| Landsat (LS) | 36 | 7 | 4435 | 2000 | hhcartr_landsat | Pendigits (PEN) | 16 | 10 | 7494 | 3498 | hhcartr_pendigits | Segmentation (SEG) | 19 | 7 | 210 | 2100 | hhcartr_segment | Shuttle (SHUT) | 9 | 7 | 43,500 | 14,500 | hhcartr_shuttle | Vehicle (VEH) | 18 | 2 | 846 | - | hhcartr_vehicle |

Table: r table_nums("table3")

The data is not preprocessed, filtered or normalised, that is, all datasets are provided as-is after downloading from the UCI machine learning repository, with the following exceptions. In the glass identification (GLS) dataset [@Evett+Spiehler:1987] the Id number column is not provided, as is the case with the original Wisconsin breast cancer (BC) dataset [@cancer:1990]. Traditionally, the Boston housing (BH) dataset [@boston:1978] is used with regression algorithms, to turn it into a binary classification problem, we created a new target variable using the condition MEDV > 20. As supplied, the landsat (LS) dataset [@Dua+Graff:2019] does not have any examples of class six. Currently this implementation does not support data with missing values. In the supplied datasets with hhcartr there are no missing values. Test data sets are provided for the following datasets: segment, pendigits, landsat and shuttle.

A Tree Node

In hhcartr, each tree node is represented by a hash object, from the hash package [@hash]. Thus each generated tree is represented as a tree structure of hash objects. Each hash object or tree node contains the following information, see r table_nums("table5", display = "cite") below:

Variable | Description | :-------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------| node_gini | The gini-index for this node.| node_tot_samples | The total number of samples assigned to this node.| node_num_samples_per_class| The number of samples for each class at this node. This will sum to node_tot_samples.| node_predicted_class | The predicted class for this node. | node_feature_index | The column number in either the householder matrix or original dataset used to determine the split for this node. | node_threshold | The value of the feature used to determine the split at the current node. The feature column used to make the split can be found in node variable node_feature_index.| node_householder_matrix | The householder matrix associated with this node. This need only be the node_feature_index column of the householder matrix. This will be updated at a later date. | node_children_left | The node containing the samples when the parent node is split i.e. those samples that have values in the node_feature_index column that are less than the node_threshold_value.| node_children_right | The node containing the samples when the parent node is split i.e. those samples that have values in the node_feature_index column that are equal or greater than the node_threshold value. | node_parent | The parent node | node_parentid | The objectid of the parent node. | node_objectid | The nodes objectid. Nodes are number sequentially as they are created, with the root node having an objectid of zero.| node_type | The type of node, can take values of “DECISION” or “TERMINAL”. A “DECISION” node has a splitting rule and a “TERMINAL” or leaf node is a node that will not be split any further as it is either pure (all the same class) or the splitting stop criteria has been meet i.e. the n_min value and min_node_impurity values are less than the specified parameter values. See below for further discussion on terminal node creation. | node_using_householder | A flag indicating that this node was split using the householder matrix. This field can have a value of either TRUE or FALSE. | node_children_left_NA | A flag indicating whether or not the node_children_left field contains “NA”. This field can have a value of either TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates this node has no children. If node_children_left_NA and node_children_right_NA are both TRUE this implies that this node is a TERMINAL node. | node_children_right_NA | A flag indicating whether or not the node_children_right field contains “NA”. This field can have a value of either TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates this node has no children. If node_children_left_NA and node_children_right_NA are both TRUE this implies that this node is a TERMINAL node. | node_oob_training_indices | A list of indices of the out-of-bag samples in the training set used to create this tree. These samples have not been used to grow the tree, but if parameter OOBEE (available in the HHRandomForestClassifier model, which will be available in the next release of hhcartr) is TRUE they will be used to calculate the out-of-bag error estimate. Only the root node of a tree will contain valid values; for all other nodes in the tree this field will contain a value of “NA”. This field is only used by the HHRandomForestClassifier model. | node_depth | The depth in the tree at which this node occurs. At the time of writing this field is not referenced by any hhcartr functionality. |

Table: r table_nums("table5")

Terminal Node Creation

In hhcartr, terminal nodes are created during the tree induction process in either of two ways, firstly through user specified parameters or by forced terminal node creation.

User parameters

The hhcartr parameters that control the creation of a tree terminal node are n_min and min_node_impurity. These parameters have been previously defined above.

Forced node creation

During the node splitting process, if either of the following conditions arise the splitting process on the current node terminates and a terminal node is created, irrespective of the values of n_min and min_node_impurity. These conditions are as follows:

  1. Feature values the same In the situation where all values in a feature column are the same and this pattern is observed for each of the other feature columns, thus making it impossible to find a valid split on any feature column.

  2. Single sample In the situation where there are two classes in the node under consideration with one of the classes having only one sample. This situation generally occurs when there are a small number of samples at the node, but min_node_impurity has not quite been reached.


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hhcartr documentation built on July 2, 2021, 9:06 a.m.