plot.HEAVYmodel: Plotting method for HEAVYmodel objects

View source: R/HEAVYmodel.R

plot.HEAVYmodelR Documentation

Plotting method for HEAVYmodel objects


Plotting method for HEAVYmodel objects


## S3 method for class 'HEAVYmodel'
plot(x, ...)



an object of class HEAVYmodel.


extra arguments, see details.


The plotting method has the following optional parameter:

  • legend.loc A string denoting the location of the legend passed on to addLegend of the xts package

  • type A string denoting the type of lot to be made. If type is "condVar" the fitted values of the conditional variance of the returns is shown. If type is different from "condVar", the fitted values of the realized measure is shown. Default is "condVar"

highfrequency documentation built on Oct. 4, 2023, 5:08 p.m.