Man pages for highfrequency
Tools for Highfrequency Data Analysis

aggregatePriceAggregate a time series but keep first and last observation
aggregateQuotesAggregate a 'data.table' or 'xts' object containing quote...
aggregateTradesAggregate a 'data.table' or 'xts' object containing trades...
aggregateTSAggregate a time series
AJjumpTestAit-Sahalia and Jacod (2009) tests for the presence of jumps...
autoSelectExchangeQuotesRetain only data from the stock exchange with the highest...
autoSelectExchangeTradesRetain only data from the stock exchange with the highest...
BjInternal HEAVY functions
BNSjumpTestBarndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2006) tests for the presence...
businessTimeAggregationBusiness time aggregation
cholCovrMRCov#' @keywords internal zgamma <- function (x, y, gamma_power)...
driftBurstsInference on drift burst hypothesis
exchangeHoursOnlyExtract data from an 'xts' object for the exchange hours only
gatherPricesMake TAQ format
getAlphaVantageDataGet high frequency data from Alpha Vantage
getCriticalValuesGet critical value for the drift burst hypothesis t-statistic
getLiquidityMeasuresCompute Liquidity Measure
getTradeDirectionGet trade direction
HARmodelHeterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model for realized...
HEAVYmodelHEAVY model estimation
highfrequency-packagehighfrequency: Tools for Highfrequency Data Analysis
ICovEstimators of the integrated covariance
intradayJumpTestIntraday jump tests
IVarEstimators of the integrated variance
IVinferenceFunction returns the value, the standard error and the...
JOjumpTestJiang and Oomen (2008) tests for the presence of jumps in the...
knChooseReMeDIReMeDI tuning parameter
leadLagLead-Lag estimation
listAvailableKernelsAvailable kernels
listCholCovEstimatorsUtility function listing the available estimators for the...
makeOHLCVMake Open-High-Low-Close-Volume bars
makePsdReturns the positive semidefinite projection of a symmetric...
makeReturnsCompute log returns
makeRMFormatDEPRECATED use 'spreadPrices'
matchTradesQuotesMatch trade and quote data
MDtest# Difference of medians test # See Fried (2012) # Returns...
mergeQuotesSameTimestampMerge multiple quote entries with the same time stamp
mergeTradesSameTimestampMerge multiple transactions with the same time stamp
mukpto use when p,k different from range [4,6]
noZeroPricesDelete the observations where the price is zero
noZeroQuotesDelete the observations where the bid or ask is zero
plot.DBHPlotting method for 'DBH' objects
plot.HARmodelPlotting method for HARmodel objects
plot.HEAVYmodelPlotting method for HEAVYmodel objects
plotTQDataPlot Trade and Quote data
predict.HARmodelPredict method for objects of type 'HARmodel'
predict.HEAVYmodelIterative multi-step-ahead forecasting for HEAVY models
print.DBHPrinting method for 'DBH' objects
print.HARmodelPrinting method for 'HARmodel' objects
quotesCleanupCleans quote data
rankJumpTestRank jump test
rAVGCovRealized covariances via subsample averaging
rBetaRealized beta
rBPCovRealized bipower covariance
RBPCov_bi# Check data: #' @keywords internal rdatacheck <- function...
rCholCovCholCov estimator
rCovRealized covariance
refreshTimeSynchronize (multiple) irregular timeseries by refresh time
ReMeDIAsymptoticVarianceAsymptotic variance of ReMeDI estimator
rHYCovHayashi-Yoshida covariance
rKernelCovRealized kernel estimator
rKurtRealized kurtosis of highfrequency return series.
rMedRQuarAn estimator of integrated quarticity from applying the...
rMinRQuarAn estimator of integrated quarticity from applying the...
rmLargeSpreadDelete entries for which the spread is more than 'maxi' times...
rmNegativeSpreadDelete entries for which the spread is negative
rmOutliersQuotesRemove outliers in quotes
rmOutliersTradesRemove outliers in trades without using quote data
rMPVarRealized multipower variation
rMRCovModulated realized covariance
rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotesDelete transactions with unlikely transaction prices
rOWCovRealized outlyingness weighted covariance
rQPVarRealized quad-power variation of intraday returns
rQuarRealized quarticity
rRTSCovRobust two time scale covariance estimation
rRVarAn estimator of realized variance.
rSemiCovRealized semicovariance
rSkewRealized skewness
rSVarRealized semivariance of highfrequency return series
rThresholdCovThreshold Covariance
rTPQuarRealized tri-power quarticity
rTSCovTwo time scale covariance estimation
salesConditionsalesCondition is deprecated. Use tradesCondition instead.
sampleMultiTradeDataMultivariate tick by tick data
sampleOneMinuteDataOne minute data
sampleQDataSample of cleaned quotes for stock XXX for 2 days measured in...
sampleQDataRawSample of raw quotes for stock XXX for 2 days measured in...
sampleTDataSample of cleaned trades for stock XXX for 2 days
sampleTDataEuropeEuropean data
sampleTDataRawSample of raw trades for stock XXX for 2 days
selectExchangeRetain only data from a single stock exchange
spotDriftSpot Drift Estimation
spotVolSpot volatility estimation
spreadPricesConvert to format for realized measures
SPYRMSPY realized measures
summary.HARmodelSummary for 'HARmodel' objects
tradesCleanupCleans trade data
tradesCleanupUsingQuotesPerform a final cleaning procedure on trade data
tradesConditionDelete entries with abnormal trades condition.
highfrequency documentation built on Oct. 4, 2023, 5:08 p.m.