rRVar: An estimator of realized variance.

View source: R/realizedMeasures.R

rRVarR Documentation

An estimator of realized variance.


Calculates the daily Realized Variance. Let r_{t,i} be an intraday return vector with i=1,...,M number of intraday returns.

Then, the realized variance is given by



rRVar(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...)



an xts or data.table object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.


character, indicating the time scale in which alignPeriod is expressed. Possible values are: "ticks", "secs", "seconds", "mins", "minutes", "hours"


positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate based on a 5-minute frequency, set alignPeriod = 5 and alignBy = "minutes".


boolean, should be TRUE when rData contains prices instead of returns. FALSE by default.


used internally, do not change.


  • In case the input is an xts object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.

  • If the input data spans multiple days and is in xts format, an xts will be returned.

  • If the input data is a data.table object, the function returns a data.table with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.

See Also

IVar for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated variance.


rv <- rRVar(sampleOneMinuteData, makeReturns = TRUE)
plot(rv[, DT], rv[, MARKET], xlab = "Date", ylab = "Realized Variance", type = "l")

highfrequency documentation built on Oct. 4, 2023, 5:08 p.m.